Language as a universe

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

“No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the same social reality. The worlds in which different societies live are distinct worlds, not merely the same worlds with different labels attached.”

The Status of Linguistics As a Science - Edward Sapir

Language is truly human's most powerful invention. I have no doubt. Yet it is so decisive, so all inclusive and at the same time so merciless towards its opponents - towards those parts of reality it isn't yet ready to look into. It's a powerful tool, but yet a tool, which is necessarily held by something beyond it. The men who created language had a whole world of their own before language came into the story, just like we did before having jets and cell phones. Language at some point was a tool of beings complete without it. At this point, it is more or less, the only world we have, the only world we are born into. We're letting a tool rule by letting ourselves to live as tools too.

Just started putting serious efforts into learning my third language: Spanish. I'm hoping to decentralize North America from my experience - the dominance of the white conqueror and his science, his still rigid views of sexuality and spiritually. I'm also hoping to keep broadening my understanding by giving myself always a new perspective which will show me the limits of the one I'm holding right now.

Love and wisdom to all.
