I did tried my best

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)


By the end of 2017, everyone around me had been busy working on the 2018 new year resolution, from which I found a particularly interesting common denominator, in which 80% of people were planning to earn more money, including myself, in the new year.

But after so many years, working for so many years, look forward to winning a huge lottery, also fantasize about picking up 1 million on the road. Other than a flat pocket, every month still have debts need to repay.

Many people slowly become confused, clearly feel that they have worked very hard, but why the money is still less and also used up so fast.

Let me tell you a story; maybe there are some answers in the story.

My friend’s colleague, it’s been seven years since he graduated and started working. He doesn’t have his own property, no car, and no savings, not even a girlfriend. His life is a mess, and often complains he is poor to his friends.

But he is always the first to work and the last one to leave. He looks like he was working hard; when the manager walks to his desk and he will act and look busy sitting at the desk, so that he can be example of so-called "working hard," "diligent" model.

But the odd thing is that every month when bonuses are paid, there is always none for him. Why did he “work so hard,” but still didn’t get any reward?


In fact, his efforts don’t have a clear direction and objectives, but blindly wasting time, and did not produce real performance, so each month's performance is at the bottom.

An act of pretending to work hard is impossible to be recognized in the workplace because a company values "result", not "effort".

And another colleague also worked for seven years. Basically every day he reaches and leaves on time, and will work overtime on special circumstances. During his free time, he engages in financial investment and some part-time jobs. Now his life is vivid, he has cars and property, and a wife and kids.

Therefore, it doesn’t mean that the longer the time is spent, the better the work will be. But with sober efforts, in a shorter time can also achieve good results. Blind efforts, no matter how much time you spent is also a waste.

An effort is not blindly busy; your effort should have a plan and goal to achieve the results you really want. You are poor because you just seem to work hard and spend too much time doing nothing.


You always feel that you spend a lot of time is hard work, in fact it is a misunderstanding of the effort, the real effort is proportional to the time to pay, spend an hour to read the book, there will be one hour of reward, rather than you sit in front of the desk all morning, only remember that you secretly surf Facebook, and have no idea what you've done on your job.

Thinking that blind busy as an effort, you can never make more money, can’t afford to buy the branded clothes, but also have to think about the monthly rent and debt every month.

I remember that there was a classmate, everyone took turns to introduce themselves on the stage, the teacher asked him why he chose to go to school, he answered two words: Make money.

At that time, the students under the stage burst into laughter, thinking that he was too tacky too utilitarian, if living just to make money, such a life is quite boring.

But after graduation, during a reunion party, he drove an Audi, also bought two suites, the students began to flatter him, admire him, and envy toward his present life.

But now, other than making money every day, he also go to gym, walk the dog, accompany his family, but the classmates who felt that he was a utilitarian, are still struggled with food and clothing, every day work overtime until eight, returned home and bath has nearly reached 12 o’clock, fall asleep after surf the net, the days turning into an endless monochrome cycle. That's boring!

This society is very realistic; free stuff is never good, if you want to get more comfortable and high-end experience, you must invest some money.

Although making money looks utilitarian, you have to admit that it is an integral part of your life.
More importantly, behind the utilitarian, other than to earn more money, live the life you want, it also acknowledges your efforts.


A few days ago, a friend asked me for a long time, "I also want to join Steemit, how long do you think I can make money?" I don't know what to say, and I replied," You can try it first.”

To be honest, this is just like me when I just joined; I saw a lot of posts that earned more than $1000 per post. My blood was boiling, surging, thinking of myself also learn to write, and be rich, no need to worry about food and clothes.

However, write for money is not smooth, because after few months of writing, there is no big upvote on my posts, and I will start to be demotivated.These languish days, I didn’t earn much, but pay a lot of time and energy.

As time flies, more and more people joining. I believe that most people will not earn much, and insist to write with a passion because not everyone can become rich without sacrifice anything.

Although I occasionally can get some high-value upvotes, that is also unstable. In fact, it is just a small result after invested lots of time and energy.

When you ask me how long do you need to write in order to make money, I really do not know how to answer, it contains some talents, but also need a bit of luck. Besides, write to earn is also a process that needs to work hard.

You like money, I know because I like it too. There is nothing wrong with the material society, I believe that no one doesn’t want to live a richer life, a bigger house, a more upscale car, a luxury dress, time to spend with children, weekends to the gym and library.

The plan that you wish you had more money, there's nothing wrong with it, but be aware that your desires are basically matched to your salary.

What belongs to you, in the end, will be yours, what’s not belong to you, you can’t get it no matter how hard you try. Follow the process, do not rush, for now, what ability you have, is the ability to live in that life.


If you are going to die the next second...
You only live once
How do I insist on going to bed early
I've worked so hard just to be a normal person
Everything is meaningless…
Stop using “no time” as excuse!


Being new to Steemit (a week) I was very intimidated by the high dollar amount posts. Some of my posts only made .02 cents. But I’m really trying not to focus on the money aspect of Steemit. I always thought that I would like to start a blog one day and when I saw Steemit I told myself that this was a chance to be a part of a revolutionary community. I’m not sure there is an audience on here yet for what I’m interested in writing about but I am trying it anyways. I am really enjoying it so far :)

When I just joined, I also the same, too focus on how much my post made. Although I'm now focusing on writing a better content, sometimes it is hard to ignore the payout.

Wow this is motivating, i love your use of real life examples,it created a clear picture of the idea in my mind.
Taking the due process to success always pays, wanting to take shortcuts are very dangerous because they,knowledge and skills that would have been acquired while going through the normal process will be forfieted,hence you come out half baked, and no one will pay a half baked person well, they all want a fully developed person,thanks for sharing this @walkinharmony, you have exposed me to new knowledge .

People will only follow you if you're a successful person. That's life. They don't want to work together from the bottom.