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RE: Nobody Will Remember You

in #philosophy8 years ago

@kyriacos Someone once mentioned to me - all we will remain is a hole in the wall! Intrigued, I asked the person to elaborate and he explained - When a person dies, his relatives/friends will hang a photo in the wall. After a few years, the photo will cloud over with dust. Still more years and the frame will crack and glass will crack. Some more years will pass and the photo frame will fall and perish and just a nail in the wall will remain. After a few decades, even the nail will rust and perish, leaving only a hole in the wall!! The story demonstrates that, whatever we do, we will most likely be forgotten. So why attach so much importance to what others will think of the routine that we carry out because we are genetically programmed to do so.
Sorry if I rambled but your post triggered this chain of thought. Thank you for your thought provoking blog. Upvoted

I am more into wildlife blogs with my musings accompanying original photos. I never attach the tag of philosophy to my musings because I am really not an expert. I rather seek input from Steemians. I have posted a blog with a question on Innocence- Does it really exist? based on my original wildlife photos and musings. I would be honored if you take a look and when you have time. Your valuable comments will be eagerly awaited. Thanks


I agree with what you said, about "Only a whole in the wall will be left." I have come to realize that we spend too much time trying hard to do things that we believe will get others to remember us by. People should spend more time enjoying each and every day, appreciating every moment instead of wasting so much time trying to do things that others may never even remember about us after a few year of our passing from this world. Please, understand that I am not saying that you should not try to do some of the things that you would like others to remember you once you depart from here. My point is for us not to over do it. We should be careful not to be obsessed with the idea of being remembered while neglecting to enjoy the little things in life, such as family, friends and simply the little things that bring us joy.

If you live a life where you try your best to enjoy each and every day and most of all spread a little bit of that joy to others where ever you go, as well as living a life where you try to uplift others and bring a little sun shine in their lives especially in time of needs is more than trying to do the so call Big thing that we may think that will stick in the mind of others.

The little things such as a smile, a hello, or just calling someone when they are down are usually the things that we will be remembered by. I know that is true for me. In a time of my greatest need, the things I remember the most was the prayer of a former church sister who didn't have a car. She was unable to visit me and my family, but she would call each week to pray with me over the phone in order to lift my spirit. I know she was busy, but she made time each week to call me. ( Although it's been years since I have seen her. I don't even remember her name, but it's those feelings of love and care that remain with me." Things such as someone taking the time to visit you when you are ill while they themselves are not well as my former Pasteur had done are the things people will remember.

Let's not waste so much time trying so hard to do things to be remembered by. If you enjoy life and put others first, there will be at least one person who will remember you till their last breath. They may not remember your name, but they will remember how you made them feel. They may even tell others about your kindness which could live for decades or even centuries from the same story being passed on. Let's not focus too much on "What To Do So We Can Be Remembered," instead let's focus on "How To Be" so others will want to imitate the life you have lived.

Not even the wall will remain, or the hole. nothing will remain in less than the time you were alive.

I never attach the tag of philosophy to my musings because I am really not an expert.

philosophers are no experts. nobody is. everybody pretends to have the greater sum of given knowledge. expertise is a bullshit word.

Not only that, but there will be a time when the rock we call Earth will be no more as well. The whole of humanity is likely to go extinct in the really long run in one way or another.

whatever we do, we will most likely be forgotten -----------> true! i almost get away with shop lifting