Relationships A Path to Truth

in #philosophy6 years ago

Finding a relationship, maintaining one, or breaking up from one? These are the most challenging events at times. Why? Well, its because relationships utilize emotions and we are really at the mercy of what is appearing.

They are not like playing guitar where you know you can improve if you just keep sitting with the scales and practice them.
Relationships cant be practiced and cant be held or really touched. They are an illusive force of energy that is out there, but not really something you can grab and hold.

Here are three ways core foundational truths to relationships that will allow them to work and appear before you more easily:

  1. Love Yourself First - this old saying has truth. What poetry and life stories can you bring to any relationship if you dont know your own love. Also (major point) what we love in another is truly ourself shining back. So how are you gonna love another (yourself) back if you dont know who you are? what you really are, or can re-cognize your own presence in another?

Doing this step literally offer a physics to who will appear. If you are needy and bouncy and desperate, you will attract a mirror of that to you to reflect it. That is how the physics of energy works, like energy attracts like energy. So what is your energy? Is it of peace and grace and wholeness in yourself or needy?

  1. Watch the interweaving of your presence within the relationship. What you found in the first step now go and explore it appearing in this step. Allow this to happen. Dont force it, control it. Just enjoy it. Know that your fullness is all of this happening now.

  2. Keep a foot in your own Self presence. This lets the relationship breath. This does not mean say to your partner " i need space". That can be seen as not interested and can bring up other problems. No.. see the space of you in all. Let it be your deepest relationship. Your space is the relationship.

These three basic principles you can not fail, because they are all about seeing the boundless YOU always which you are in control of always.

In truth there is not really a YOU, just this.. just this appearing as a relationship. Get to know what THIS is. It is your best relationship.

Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash