The Cat with the Mirrored Fur
I gazed up at the lush green canopy of trees, and then down at the perfectly camouflaged tabby cat. The animal’s silvery striped coat was reflecting that same tree-green light, so that the fur mimicked the color of it’s surroundings perfectly.
The cat was equipped with mirrored fur
What an amazing design! Each metallic silvery hair captured the cat’s environment, reflecting the colors-- perfectly matched-- back out into the world, allowing the animal to hide in plain sight.

Since a silvery tabby cat is colorblind, there’s no way that the cat can appreciate the enhanced stealth which the mirrored fur allows, so the animal goes about it’s life being unaware that the world is being reflected from it’s coat.
Similarly, just as the cat is unaware of it’s own relationship with the green canopy of leaves overhead, the humans like us will often not realize that it's actually US that we are looking at when we see the life around ourselves, presented in it’s seemingly infinite variety, and that ALL of it is merely a reflection of who we are.
Being much, much bigger that we are able to imagine, we might fail to notice that we are being reflected back at ourselves by every field of grass or shadowy canopy, every flitting bird and every greenish cat, and that what we are seeing in that deep reflection is us.
We humans might look around and see the entire universe as a single device, while still insisting that we are somehow separate from it, but that's because it's hard to believe that we are the device, and when we observe this universe we are looking into a mirror of infinite depth-- like us-- and it is hard to believe.
It's true; this whole thing is you!
artwork above by me, colored pencils and ball point pen on 9" X 12" watercolor paper, 2018- for more variety, pictures and stories, click below these birds:

its so beautiful and interesting so nice and amazing :)
I like the thinking and I love the art!
And all that blinking...was that a fart?
Okay, aha, I am well and truly knackered!
Ha, poetry!!! :0D
I appreciate it, and glad you liked!
I loved the phrase "mirrored fur" and all the insights you drew out from it. We may sometimes think we find ourselves distant from the world or everything around us. But in reality, we form part of it.
Thank you for sharing this. :)
I agree with you 100% And you know that we are also mirrored by other people as well.
Each of us has been mistreated but each of us has, perhaps unknowingly, been the wrong doer as well.
I find it important to remember that every person on the planet is capable of the same thoughts and emotions and that every action that every person takes reflects all of us together as one race of humanity.
The truth is almost always hard to fathom. Once we accept this realization, we uncover grander truths that are even more difficult to grasp. Such is the cyclical nature of acceptance. Once we take ourselves out of the equation, only then will we be able to fully accept everything as it is.
Hi friend, you are really a fantastic artist, the cat looks like a beautiful baby tiger, yes we have the device to beautify our minds and hearts by with the beautiful creations of nature. But animals are deprived from its taste. Thanks for sharing such an amazing fact with beautiful art work. Wish you a very beautiful night my dear friend.
oh this..i have never seen the world in this are teaching me to look at the world in a different a more philosophical way :)
I'm glad to be able to offer new ways to see things, thank you!
Very special, indeed! And the artwork, too!
Or, as Carl Sagan once said: "The Cosmos is also within us; we're made of star stuff. We are a way for the Cosmos to know itself."
You've drawn a very pretty cat today; thank you for sharing it!
we got to believe what we see that how the device work hahah