Where is the motivation YOU need?

in #philosophy7 years ago

Throughout time there has always been a natural humanistic drive to survive and evolve. All living organisms have adapt to survive or die. when the environment that allows you to survive and thrive is changing, and everything is nothing as it was. What do you do?
YOU must adapt and evolve of course, but why now is the human race moving ever so slowly in evolving from within and relying on outside creation to surpass the more sacred inner power. Do the eyes of reality perspective not see true reality anymore?
all that can be said is what has been repeated and echoed from the beginning of time...

One can only take the tools provided to everyone els if not nothing els, chose if they will be the best maker or the bad maker. "with everything that is good, expect something equally bad to come with. know who you are from within and the good will out shine all bad." Everyone wether they like it or not has the power to handle every situation to the best of their ability. even if you have no choice or say. what truly matters is you're strength from within. knowing you strive every single day to try and be a better version of yourself for yourself, your family, society, and the whole natural realm. and would do it again even better if you could. That is the obvious answer of what you should do. No outside influence will ever make your goals, dreams, expectations or anything come true without you having the right mind set and the right drive to do so and keep doing what is to be done. 

the balance is off... Everything, Everyone is out of sync and must realize first you must manifest your personal drive. harness your talents and jump, Jump for your life. to many young people giving up so soon. overthinking what is so easily undertake from within. Not aspiring to be their own great. Having dreams without the influence strong enough to push them forward.  Many people full of talent and passion, stagnant in time. 

People must know everything starts with one choice. it doesn't come from thinking it comes from what you instinctively think before you let your mind start processing and picking it apart making that small important choice to move forward seemingly impossible to achieve there for leaving you mentally stranded. understand the process, understand your self, know where you are and want to be. accept everything you have and don't have. make the best of what you are giving and move forward in the direction you think is most impossible but most desirable. the chase will end up making you stronger and the desire will seem to grow. the impossible will seem possible.. all with a choice to yourself. do you want it? and do you need it? everything comes after you answer from within... yes or no. 

