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RE: Short Introduction to Mental Ninjistics - Dealing with Conflict

in #philosophy6 years ago

You are not alone in all that bully stuff, let's travel back to my childhood

I was bullied by 2 kids each 10 years old when I was 6 years old and had no friends, no one wanted to play with me, I was alone with no friends for 1 whole years, came home crying every afternoon after school and my mother decided to change me to a Catholic school...

I changed schools and the bullying kept going, this time instead of 2 guys there were 6 or 7 of them, I was 7 by this time, after winter brake I don't know what happened something clicked and I decided to be the bully instead so I started beating up other kids, I wasn't alone, I actually had 2 friends that joined me...

After some months a teacher came to the three of us and told us she had a lot of complaints about us, she asked my classmates to raise their hands if they were ever bullied by us and almost everyone rose their hands, she told us that instead of bullying other people we should protect them... well, something clicked that day and I decided to change... all my classmates got protection from the three of us and we never bullied them again... we actually protected them from the other bullies... to this day I'm a very calm guy that doesn't like fighting unless it is absolutely necessary! It also helps that i take out all my anger in the gym :P

I'm a very honest person even on steemit, if i disagree with someone i tell them why, we have a discussion, if after some minutes we can't agree on something i just say: "Ok, let's agree to disagreee" and that is it...

And this comment almost turned into a full blown post, sorry for that :P Just wanted to share my story and how that teacher ninja raped my mind to make me realise i was doing something bad, looking at all my classmates with their hands up in the air wasn't something i liked very much


Yes.. you got chopped by a mind ninja!! hahahah i love the story!! - I relish on stories, so anytime you feel like sharing one, please do so.