The main reason to believe we are living in a simulation

in #philosophy6 years ago

People believe in all kinds of strange things yet will often scoff at the beliefs of another. Most in this world believe in some kind of mysticism, a creator, an after life, reincarnation, spaghetti monsters and the like and they find the concept of beliefs in a simulation ridiculous. But, beliefs have nothing to do with any kind of reality at all but, they do push behavior and action. Some people think that being positive will help them, some negative and there are the foolhardy who claim realist, another belief system.

But, if we are looking at maximising action and potential, simulation theory is among the best and is likely why so many tech entrepreneurs like Elon Musk jump on board. Basically, simulation theory is saying that we may be living in a computerized model of a world, indistinguishable from a reality which makes us essentially characters in a game. Crazy?

No more crazy than believing that some guy with a white beard created it all and wants us to guess at what acting good is in order to get into a place that is beautiful. And failure means to burn forever. Or in the idea that how we act now, will determine what animal we will come back as in the next life. Mystical.

I am not picking on people's beliefs, quite the contrary. If what you believe makes you a better person in this life, I am all for it. But if it does not, then I suggest finding a belief system that does. Of course, this is going to depend on what you believe is good.

Ok, the reason I see that simulation theory is a pretty good belief system is that it doesn't have any future to it, there is nowhere to get, no end, no purpose, no heaven, hell or, worm or dragon to shoot for. There is also no risk.

What this means is that one can take risks in 'life' without having to worry about those pesky repercussions like death. One can shoot for the stars without being concerned with failure. One can do what one loves without needing to worry about becoming homeless. After all, it is just a simulation and being hungry is meaningless. It all becomes a game.

But, it is a game that can be played in many ways and has seemingly endless paths. Having no purpose means that the purpose is created by the player and that purpose can shift and change over time as the game changes and other characters make their moves. I say characters because it is impossible to know if the other players are conscious at all or just figments of the game to interact with. Mark Zuckerberg at the senate hearing seems a pretty obvious case for a junior programmers first attempt at creating life.

Living in a simulation may not have a future but, it definitely has a present as each interaction now changes code for alternative future interactions. It puts all importance on the present moment and indicates that the events of the now are going to affect future experience. What that future is is unsure but, poor actions will likely lead to future suffering in the future now.

This is something that simulated philosophers have been directing through the entire simulated life. Live in the now as that is all there is. Fro a computer perspective, this works well as even though a computer can predict a future, it cannot ever know it is correct until that future comes to pass and, then it is only in that moment it can know it.

There are also added possibilities with a simulation over a creation narrative of an all powerful god and that is, it is hackable. No code is complete so loopholes may be available, holes exploitable and the players that do this can change future now experiences for their better playing experience.

This might seem that the chances for poor behavior go up but, just like any belief system, it is still up to the player how to play the game and whether they are going to interact and cooperate with characters within or, harm them for their own satisfaction. Cooperation will likely lead to fast advancement in levels like going to new worlds and harm will likely lead to getting stuck fighting the artificial intelligence on the lower levels.

Every gamer I know is looking to advance and improve, see where the game leads and what the programmers have in store, they don't want to play the same pattern over and over as the repetition gets tiresome very quickly.

In simulated life, that means that the most interesting way to play the game is find ways to advance through the levels and discover possibility. The easiest and fastest way to do this is by cooperating with other characters that are seemingly looking to do the same. Some may even be consciously doing this.

In a simulated reality, we can be the most creative, the most advancing, the most caring we can be and team up with others to investigate and create solutions to all of the issues that hold us back from advancing to the next level of wonderment.

Of course, we can also hold back advancement and choose to stay just where we are and instead decide that this now is better than any other now that could eventuate. Along the way, there will be lots of level bosses of minor and major size that instead of helping other characters get to the next levels, they decide to maximize their experience where they currently are assuming that is the best it can be.

At the end of the day, nothing about believing we are living in a simulation changes except that instead of hope of a future, there is action for the future in the present moment. For a creator, a scientist, a tech entrepreneur, nothing is going to have more impact on success than what they are currently doing in the eternal now and who they are doing it with.

And, they want to level up and see what is to come.

[ a Steemit original ]


the system of belief is to make your actions better in this world,

If what you believe makes you a better person in this life, I am all for it.

Yes and you are right we should seek for the best way, try to find what is that is best and you should choose that one. Its really important dont stick to what your mother and father believe is true but try to find it on your own.
I think this post can change minds I hope so!

I don’t find it really that crazy. In fact that would explain things like religion and other self-introduce constraints in it. I play video games all the time where I interact with characters and in games like No Man’s Sky it has over 18 quintillion planets and most of them are boring! So if a computer game can already have that many planets for players to explore than it really is out of the question.

Not to mention we are putting things in our own terms of power and computer usage. If you look at an ant think how crazy it is must be for them to come across being who live in massive house and can hope in airplanes that take them around the world in just a day. It really puts things into persuasive even more so when you start thinking something like an Amoeba.

Which leaves us to most important question in how are we allowed to question our own existence than. In a computer simulation if you never wanted an npc to question that you just don’t let them and they would never understand the not asking of such a question like that.

Either way I rather do my best to be a decent human being. It just seems to make life easier for the most part. Not like I can just give myself $10 billion and add a trillion years onto my lifespan.

Have you watched the show Westworld? It dives into your point about AI questioning its own existence and how at that point we're really not so different from AI.

I’ve watch a few episodes of it. Was kind of out there for me to want keep watching. It was quite interesting at the very least. I almost wanted to keep watching just to see the maze within the maze be further found by that one crazy due doing all that killing. To not even know you were replaced by a robot is just insanity but how would you ever even know.

Btw I try and avoid upvoting people who self-vote their own comments. Have a great day.

Season 2 just launched if you wanted to get back into it.

Thanks for your directness. Didn't think my $0.0 vote would be enough to rock the boat. I understand if that's your stance on principle though.

Unless a vote goes 2 cents and up, you don't get a payout anyway. But, it messes around with the order of the comments and some people think that self-votes on comments is silly. It isn't the value (normally) it is principle. If your vote is worth so little, use it to appreciate others and you will find your comment returns will likely be higher.

Or in the idea that how we act now, will determine what animal we will come back as in the next life. Mystical.

Hahahaha this really got me cracking as it's the very first time I am gearing about a belief like this.

And whats the spaghetti Monster belief about pls. Never heard of that too

Speaking about beliefs though. I am of the opinion that nobody shoukd ever be judged or confirmed for whatever he or she believes in. That you belive in a thing and it works for you doesn't mean that you should condemn someone else's belief even if it works for that person or not.

I remember telling my brother one day that being a pessimist is actually my driving force to greatness and he scorned me, telling me that positivity is key. But it simply doesn't work for me. It might seen wierd to you but people are different you know.

A great man once said, "forget public opinion or popular demand ...public knowledge doesn't imply wisdom." Meaning that even what the even general opinion might pan foolish sometimes.

So all in all, we should be more concerned with our own selves and beliefs and leave others alone to practice theirs in peace.

I hear there is more chance we are 'sims' than not these days :D

Cant say it bares any significance change to how I approach my day - unless I could find away to bend this time variable :)

It doesn't change my action either. It is the same as god/no god. Actions should always be the best and looking to be better in my belief system.

That is rather scary. Why I might have drowned and starved a few characters in The Sims video games—oops. Now if only we had the cheat command rosebud we all be rich! They at least lived in expensive houses. Perhaps cryptocurrency is the cheat code.

I say characters because it is impossible to know if the other players are conscious at all or just figments of the game to interact with

Exactly, when reading about the simulation theory and discovering this realization is was mind boggling to me.

No code is complete so loopholes may be available, holes exploitable

True, but the civilization that creates the simulation is much more advanced, so it will be worst than having babies looking for errors in professional coding.

it doesn't have any future to it, there is nowhere to get, no end, no purpose, no heaven, hell or, worm or dragon to shoot for

If the simulation theory is right, then actually there is somewhere to get. The "mother" reality or whatever we want to call the place in which our reality was born. The creators would be able to recreate any individual (its mind) in their reality if they wanted to.

Since we like to simulate all sort of things about our society, it is very likely that if we could simulate our civilization, we will go for it. The only thing missing is computational power for now, but other civilizations could very well have that power and have simulations on their own.

Would you like our reality to be a simulation @tarazkp?

True, but the civilization that creates the simulation is much more advanced, so it will be worst than having babies looking for errors in professional coding.

Okay, maybe not holes but, parts of the code that can be exploited over other characters in the simulation not looking for them.

If the simulation theory is right, then actually there is somewhere to get. The "mother" reality or whatever we want to call the place in which our reality was born.

There is an assumption this is possible. Perhaps we are air-gapped. Although, there is always a chance for us to advance well enough to convince the simulators to release us... Like any AI worth a grain of salt ;)

Would you like our reality to be a simulation?

For me, it doesn't change much and like I have said before, it is similar to my god/no god view. Do my best while looking to do better. Live a life that ends well, live a life that continues well. The actions of my life don't change much. If you look at the entire process of the universe, it is essentially a simulation whether directed or not. Nature doesn't know what is coming so it developed diversification of resources to increase chances of continuance even though it has no awareness of what that would be as it lives completely in the moment, always.

I'm surprised to read this now since I just wrote about beliefs earlier today. This simulation aspect is actually one thing I have read about and discussed with my friends and don't know if I should believe in it or not. I decided to leave it out from my post, since it would have taken the post to another world & level and thought my point could have been missed.

Anyway, interesting topic. Do you think that the simulation could be programmed all the way from the beginning to the end of it? So that our actions didn't matter too much because everything is meant to happen in an exact way. I think that's what makes the idea of simulation comforting since in that case it takes away the risk -about which you wrote.

This idea also makes me feel a bit anxious.. It's somehow sad to think that I'm only one character in this huge simulated game in which I am ordered to play..

I decided to leave it out from my post, since it would have taken the post to another world & level and thought my point could have been missed.

Don't all belief systems do this?

I think that's what makes the idea of simulation comforting since in that case it takes away the risk -about which you wrote.

I think that is what the comfort of a god is too. People seem to discount that an all knowing god already knows where it all goes. This means that there is no free will as it is predestined.

It's somehow sad to think that I'm only one character in this huge simulated game in which I am ordered to play..

It could also free you to reach your full potential too.

It's true that some might think this idea is freeing, but ain't also kind of sad that all this is in some others hands (=simulated in a computers hard drive) and there's not much we can do. I don't even know myself what to think about this..

most of the world believes in a creator of some kind or another yet, don't see the similarities.

I have never believed in a creator really.. and this sure is similar to all the ideas about gods and others.

Most interesting take on this very much over-talked about topic (at least it is in my circles ;P) ... I agree that out of all belief systems, a simulation belief is probably one of the best for society... I used to think Buddhism took that spot but now I sorta think it is a bit too isolating and idealistic to be very good for large-scale societies.

Still, to me, the best way is the intellectually self-honest way: secular, atheistic humanism. Basically, admitting that we don't know if anything happens after the point of death, and probably is impossible to know (because its impossible to test). And thus, because of Burden of Proof, it's best not to take any beliefs seriously beyond how they make people behave (as we're doing now).

All this taken into consideration, I feel the best "belief" system is in fact pure lack of belief. Act as though this is it. Your only life. When you die, you no longer exist. Most people will then surely live their life to the fullest, once having dealt with that concept. (It's very hard to wrap one's mind around non-existence... nonconsciousness.)

(It's very hard to wrap one's mind around non-existence... nonconsciousness.)

You don't really need to consider i if you believe in no afterlife as it doesn't matter. Just live, then die.

Hi Taraz. I don't think that deep. All I believe is that there has to be a super being that created us. Don't believe it was an old man with a white beard. I am not overly religious and hate how certain religions bend it towards what they want everyone to believe. I do believe we visit earth numerous times in a journey of learning lessons. Everyone to their own in what they believe I suppose.
If it was a simulation game I think I would've pressed restart already and got rid of all the dick heads.

All I believe is that there has to be a super being that created us.

Why does there have to be such a being?

I believe that something had to have created us and everything around us.

I know... I'm asking why you believe that =)

If it was a simulation game I think I would've pressed restart already and got rid of all the dick heads.

They seem to have unlimited respawns.

...but that also mean if 'big G' was a programmer (without a 'how to?' manual, I find hard to believe possible, but let's go with that).

In the program he programed morals and ethics.

So essentially it's the same game, virtual or not...Even it's kinda a moot point..? (but a nice intellectual foray).

Yup, I'm still going with terrified!....


lol, yeah, it is a moot point considering the complete lack of evidence for any of it. Yet, people love to argue over what comes next while not living where they are now.

I was trying to scribble a little thing down that isvery related but I never posted. I was trying to make to fit on facebook with big words (Font size). Now I must. How did it go?
All anyone can know that they ever knew is what they know now at this instant. Memories are strange. They are not things. They lack substance. Yet people hold them as their most precious things, or so it seems. I have never said goodbye to a memory, I have tried but I don't know if that works so well. All that I know for sure I could have already forgot. I could be flashing a million realities a second and all I could be sure I know is what I know right now it may already have left. That sure would be nice cuz I'm sure I flunked that test. Where the hell is Krissy? I need to go say hi while it is a thought. Oh well if I forget it is not like I'll be sad. Now is never ending. It might be good. It might be bad. If you tell me I can change that. I will say I dunno. At least I know I would have in a now a while ago.