
We don't have the technology. I think the better question is how is it possible.

Why don't we have the technology?

Do you not understand how powerful your cell phone is? Do you have any clue how much harder it is to go to the bottom of the ocean then space?

and that is not a better question it is you avoiding the facts, look up anything about space flight technology and you will have access to more information then a person could dig through in a life time.

so if you are really asking how its possible, maybe do a simple search online and read some stuff on the technology?

But I would love to hear your reasoning on why we don't have the tech and why its not possible.

If it is so simple, then please enlighten me as to why no human has been there since the early 70's? Why is it that the Russians were years ahead of us and then just decided to not land there because the US beat them to it. Now, that makes zero sense. Just because we have advanced computing power now doesn't prove anything. Are you suggesting that in a few trips, we learned everything we need to know about the moon? Why has no one been back with all of our great technology?

I'll tell you why. The radiation alone will kill anyone who tries. And, imagine that, all the guys who "landed" on the moon are surprisingly still alive and well.

Are you suggesting that in a few trips, we learned everything we need to know about the moon?

nope you are making assumptions.

Why has no one been back with all of our great technology?

IDK and am not the person in control of that sort of stuff. so are you now saying that because we are not doing it in this present time that it never happened in the past?
Are you going to say people never went down the marionion trench now too becuae we have better tech now and people aren't still going to the bottom?

The radiation alone will kill anyone who tries. And, imagine that, all the guys who "landed" on the moon are surprisingly still alive and well.

so we don't have the tech to block radiation waves now too? You realize we have the ability to block radiation right?

Im sory when I say I think your basing your view on reality on a proud lack of information on the subject.

Are you saying all the people that have been to space is part of some conspierency to keep the world thinking its not flat?

you really trying to say Steve-o is part of this cabal trying to fool the world?

For the record, I do think people have been to space. However, I do not think people have been further out than a couple hundred miles.

You are right in one sense. The lack of information available to anyone concerning the manned fights to the moon.

Of course we have the ability to block small amounts of radiation. We do not have the ability to block the huge amounts of radiation generated by the largest nuclear reactor in our solar system. If this truly exists, please, show me this technology. You talking about those high tech space suits from the 60's? Yeah right.

Honestly, you should look into the case against this hoax.

Do some learning about the nonsence your spitting.

Honestly, you should look into the facts and evidence and oh whats that one thing that we use... oh yeah the science of it all.

Read that link if your not to scard of having facts, math and science destroy your feeble little imaginary fairy tail.

I must say, that I really do not appreciate the way you are typing down at me. Am I being that way towards you?

Anyway, I also have a homework assignment for you:

I will take a look at your link.

sorry, I get told a lot i come off that way, I don't try to its just how I talk and everyone around me too. My friends and I talk so much shit back and forth that I don't even notice I do it and am usually supprised when people take offence.

Ill check out the link and let you know what I think.

Oh shit its a book?
14 books?
ill read the first one and maybe move on after that.

So I double read part one and I got to say.....

not one single piece of evidence and a bunch of claims about stuff the person obviously has no information on, and a lot of the Nazi story again.

alot of the comments he makes are not only fo far from reality that its funny some of them are just mindboggling the stretch on them. Like saying "the Russians were light years ahead of usa in the space race".

And the whole ordeal of operation paperclip is a huge part of the answer on how.

its alot of Nazis this and Nazis that with no actual facts. the whole thing is just a dude asking questions that have answers but instead of looking into the answer he usus his lack of an answer for the question he asks as reasoning for why something could not have happened.

Like the idea that if we aren't going to the moon right now then that is proof that it never happened in the past or stupid shit like that.

Im sorry but I will not read the second part or more. its just so proudly ignorant of the stuff he is talking about it amazes me. he even quotes hitler then says well I don't know german so that might not be really what he said then goes on for a full paragraph saying hitler ment and said this and that. he just said he had no clue if hitler really said it but now hers using that as one of the main points of his argument?

IDK yo, every question he trys to make as how to prove the moon landing didn't happen a simple google search can find the answers. with that said I would like to repete.

He does not provide any facts or evidence to back up his claims. he only presents questions that he cant answer even though their I a answer to them and because he cant answer them reverts back to the well that's proof it never happened.

Just my opinion though.

What you think about the math and science about the radiation of the Apollo missions and all the calculations that dude did?

In 1969 America didn't even have the technology to make a decent job of faking the photos!

So true!

And that is why all the fake photos are such rubbish!

I honestly think the moon landing story is as bollocks as the flat earth story.

But Americans love it because it makes them feel like world leaders.

And for some reason I thought you were a skeptic...

There is very good evidence that the Apollo moon landing was faked in a film studio, and it’s probable that nobody has ever landed on the moon, and never will.

In countries that are not under the spell of the US media, this is a fairly common belief. While some of the information saying the moon landings were fake is full of holes, it’s also very likely that the US Government has had a hand in creating some of the dodgy fake moon landing web sites in order to make “conspiracy theorists” (the new communists) look like gullible bozos.

Im skeptical of many things but its hard to be skeptical of the moon landing when my great uncle was one of the people that set foot on the moon. so maybe my grandfather and his brother were in on covering up the lie for their son/nephew. I doubt it though.

I could understand the argument of the moon landing to be fake but using that as the basis on why the earth is flat is where I draw the line.
I would believe the moon landing was fake way before the flat earth story.
We have humans in space right now in the spacestation, saying we cant go to space seems far fetched, landing on the moon hasent been done yet is atleast a little more plausible.
IMO atleast.

There are certainly people in space, but they have never been to the moon.

Are you OK with letting me know you uncles name? - I'd really like to have a dig around and see what I find - but I must say upfront that last time I did that it wasn't good for the official story...

"there was only about 100 people involved in the moon landing hoax. Mission Control in Houston as well as most of the men and women who worked on this project nearly 50 years ago had no idea it was a fake. But how is this possible? Very simple. The power elite who put on this fiasco never let anyone see the big picture. The thousands of people involved only had their small part to worry about. Mission control was in Houston. The launch site in Florida. The engineers, mechanics, computer programmers etc, didn’t have jobs that mixed with each other. So most people couldn’t figure out the whole thing amounted to a Hollywood production"

no I shouldn't have said that even as their are people on this site that have openly said they are going to hunt me down and commit physical violence.

if we can get into space whats stoping us from leaving low orbit besides the fear of floating on to infinity? cause the link I posted gave the facts on the radiation claim so that isn't the thing stopping us.

dude the link you just posted is a copy pasta version of the other link I was given. :D
the other one is more fancier but this one has picts and a better feel.

Its weird that the other dude said its tin foil that I talked about the Nazis being part of it but that's what half the post is about.

its hard one to discuss because of the dismissal of facts and evidence without the use of facts or evidence.

The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.

Fair enough, I know you have a few enemies on Steemit so I didn't think you would want to say.

Yes you are quite right that is a copy and paste of my favourite moon landing site - I do that sometimes on my own blog because unlike Steemit I don't have to stick to original content. But it does all still fully check out as far as the facts go.

I've had people say they have relatives who dropped atomic bombs on Japan, others who were in planes that crashed on 911, and others who were involved in the moon landing. On all three counts I said bullshit, prove it... (and no they didn't)

oh I didn't realize that was your post.
guy was my great uncle so I only met him 3 times. lol 2 weddings and one funeral. I didn't even talk to him it was just saying hello and stuff. so I have never talked with him and it really isnt something that comes up often in my family. I just remember as a little kid being told about it and how my family freaked out so hard when that spaceship blew up on launch, talking that could have been my uncle and crap. I watched that explosion in elementary school with my whole class, lmfao! got the day off and I didn't even really care it blew up. might be why it was such a big deal to my family.

Atomic bombs no, People in new York on 9/11 yeah but I don't think that is the same as the moon landing or flat earth and like I said I don't even put the moon landing in the same ballpark as the flat earth stuff.

As for proing my great uncle went to the moon, no I wont prove it and its ok that you don't belive me because honestly its mmm whats it called...... circumstantial evidence or whatever so its actually irrevelent to the conversation. think I was just saying it to explain part of the reason I think we landed on the moon.

I could be wrong and I accept that and am always willing to learn more about something to find out where I was wrong to learn what is correct.

Want to add

I think jfk was killed for being the last good president we had and for standing up to the banksters and also think that the goverments story on 9/11 is either not the full story or a complete lie.