Letting Others Be of Service to Us When We Need Help

Looking For Inspiration
It seems I am never consistent with daily posts at this point. Heck, sometimes it's several days in between posts. That's because I get busy doing something else and as yet, have not created the habit of writing daily. Something I'm working to improve upon. In my last post I talked about taking the time to peruse the tag list for interesting posts to read. The category of "Contests" kept popping into my brain. Last week I did a challenge on "Tell Your Story". That was fun and I met a few more fellow Steemians to follow and get to know.
This morning I went to the "Contest" category to see what things people we doing. I came upon a post by @papa-pepper and his challenge to help out @girbeforemirror and her family. https://steemit.com/challenge/@papa-pepper/steemit-i-challenge-you-to-a-duel-to-benefit-girlbeforemirror. The love that has been poured out to this family in need brought tears to my eyes and love to my heart. This is truly what life is about and what this community can do for each other. AMAZING!
Seeking Balance in Life

We have many options we can choose to be or undertake in life. In the end, what the most important thing is LOVE. Love for each other, love for life, animals, and the planet. How we get there is the challenge. It's natural to get caught up in what is going on in our own lives weather it's financial, jobs, relationships or health. It's easy to shut down and shut those we love out of the deep personal event(s) that may be happening in the moment. Sometimes these events are short lived and we make it through in record time. Other events are life changing and life challenging. Taking the time to re-group in order to regain a sense of balance is necessary. However, staying in a closed off space for too long will eventually cause our sense of well-being to deteriorate and therefore our lives continue to spiral down.
Asking For Help Is Important

This is a "biggie" for most of us. We were most likely taught that asking for help showed a sign of weakness or laziness (if you want something done, do it yourself). Most of the time those statements are true. One has to learn to be self-sufficient and self-reliant. After all, if you can't count on yourself, who can you count on right? Well, that is not always the case. There are times in our life when asking for help is necessary and important. First off, by asking for help, we are showing we are human. Being human is what we're here doing at this time in our journeys. Knowing when to let go of our ego, and asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it a sign of strength. Secondly, and as important, is the ability to connect with others in times of need. It allows us to overcome challenges by letting others in and letting them be of service to us. Administering love and compassion to each other is the ultimate expression of love.
So my challenge to each of you this week (or anytime) would be to step out of our comfort zone and seek the human connections we all crave. Whether you are in need of help or you are blessed and want to help someone, go out there and seize the moment. You may be surprised and the joy and friendships you find.
Images from Pixabay.com