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RE: 7 ways the Bible will make you an immoral person

in #philosophy7 years ago

'To this you might argue, "I know lots of Christians who are the nicest people I've ever met."'. I have met a few nice practicing Christians, but on the whole I would say they are intolerant, devisive and exclusive. All their professions of love stretch only as far as other practicing Christians, and half the time they seem to be arguing amonst themselves to see who is top dog.

The one thing that all Christians do that dooms them, is praying. Every Christian will tell you how they needed a new car and they prayed to god and so they got a new car. So that is your relationship with god is it, you need worldly shit and if you ask the big fella for it, he gives it to you. I thought your religion was about the afterlife, peace and love, not a new Toyota. How shockingly prosaic for the creator of the universe to deal with such bullshit.