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RE: ...

in #philosophy7 years ago

I recently read an interesting 7-part article series on the Luciferian agenda from Collective Evolution that painted some interesting perspectives...

Namely, that it might be that all the “evil” “the elites” have undertaken is Divinely-planned for the highest good of all - serving as the perfect catalyst for our own choosing of the light.

(Complete with the knowing that the NWO never was supposed to succeed, only serve as a vehicle).

Could be something to it...


Thanks for the link, I'm an info junky, and I like collective evolution, I will check it out, with all the information on life is a simulation and Quantum science where something doesn't exist until it's observed , and the power of thoughts influencing reality, I wish I could harness it all and say I manifest prosperity and tell others how to be successful, but I am a rollercoaster and Everytime I go up, curve ball after crazy curve ball, messes my flow of success, plus I have ADD so bad I can't meditate very well, but I've been practicing hard with the Power of positive thinking, I believe in it, though I'm wondering if I'm so moody it effects my outcome? But I relate to alot of your material, I can only guess my path is different than what my ego wants, or I was a robber Barron tyrant in a former life and I'm paying for it in this one😆🤔

You into psychedelics at all...?

I love weed when time's are good enough to buy it, I don't drink , and I did learn how to grow shrooms, I just spend all me free time thinking about why are we here, what's the purpose for it, and if we have to be here who are these shitbags that have trashed the place and made life so hard for so many people!

Perhaps, the opposing players in the game - without which there’d be no dualistic board on which to play - the providers of the contrast which may guide as examples of the direction we aspire to grow our character and own legacies of a different nature...? 🤔