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RE: What a Libertarian Society Would Look Like

in #philosophy7 years ago

It's easy to imagine how things are going to go perfectly for your preferred utopia, but this is not how you demonstrate that it's worth striving towards or that it has any chance to work in practice. Many things work nicely on paper, but break down when you try to put them into practice.

Here, you are presenting a best case scenario but to show that something is viable, you need to demonstrate or at least have a clue how it deals with the worst case scenario as those are going to emerge sooner or later.

Let's take your party analogy. What if a gang that's stronger than your friends comes into your party uninvited and starts breaking stuff and torturing and raping people with a clear ability overpower you and your friends. Wouldn't you prefer to be able to call the police on them? Wouldn't you want the gang punished?

People are criticizing your idea because it has clear points of failure when a powerful group of people decides to start abusing the regular folk.

I for one would much rather be living under a lawful democracy taking advantage of all the benefits of organized society, instead of having to deal with all the downsides of anarchy.

Remember, we are communicating here via a medium (the internet) that was created and maintained through the state. Anarchy doesn't really have the means to create globe-spanning things like this and those are the things that make our modern lives modern.


Riddle me this:

What if the cops are the gang?

Which group of people now holds a monopoly on violence?

If the police are so effective at what they do, why does a market for private security guards exist?

Could the private market ever provide an effective police force?

What did Jefferson mean when he said, "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it"?

Or Franklin, when he said, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"?

Finally, do regulations and subsidies help or hinder innovation?

If you can't answer these questions, then please ask. They are all small, but vital parts of the big picture. Good luck on your quest!

The box explains it all

Let's see if @rocking-dave can agree.
