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RE: challenge: Being on Steemit can be a statement in human history

in #philosophy7 years ago

Hey, thanks for posting this; its exactly the kind of thing I was hoping to find on Steemit. I'm new here and was working on my introduce yourself post, then saw this. I'm so excited! I'm a perpetual learner and see the world as place in need of much improvement. Humanity is supposed to be progressing from the previous generations. I have many things to say about how we can actively accomplish such a trajectory, but I will keep this short. First and foremost, we must take back control of our money system. The big banks need to be broken up. And this can be done by re-enacting the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. It has been introduced to both houses as H.R.790 AND S.881. Functionally, it allows a bank to choose to be either a commercial bank for regular loans and deposits, etc, or act as an investment bank for clients in the stock market and the like. Never both. Glass -Steagall was repealed in 1999 under the Clinton administration and it took less than ten years for instability in the banking system to occur (i.e. 2008 crash). Anyway, if you would like to learn more, here is a link to LaRouchePAC; the primary supporters of this Bill:
Onward and Upward