RE: Is the Universe a Computer Simulation?
I suppose 'our reality' could be a simulation in a computer in the 'real' universe, but it seems unlikely. The computing power required would be unimaginable if every being in the simulation were to be experiencing it. I guess we do simulate some simple worlds in games and elsewhere these days, so maybe we are in an immense Sims game.
It could certainly be, but the universe can also be:
- a crystal ball on a 11th dimensional unicorn's desk
- a baloon inside God's party room
... or other absurd things
I mean you get the idea. You can come up with any explanation or description of the universe because all of them will be equally absurd. Nobody knows, and there is no way for anybody to know. Besides your senses can always betray you, so the question is meaningless.
And since yoru senses could betray you, the only reality you know is what you experience, regardless of content. That is why my basic metaphysical theory is that reality is subjective, and that there are no objects.
Read my other articles to get the idea:
It's something like some religions that think our lives are pre-ordained. I know philosophers argue about whether we have free will, but I'm happy to imagine that I do and live accordingly.
I will do one on Free Will vs Determinism too in the near future.