The clouds relate to my blue sky, as society is a tool used by government to take care of my needs. I do not work for the government, they all work for me. I enjoy running in the rain, while most run away from the rain, or seek an umbrella for government oversight.

Interesting art! Thank you!
well siad. Thinking out of the box is your asset. Yes it is your right that government provide you safety, security, basic utilities and think about you as noble citizen. In reply you abide government rules.
But conditions don't remain ideal all the time. Some time you have to deal these matter with yourself. So be strong and don't depend upon government. Your help hand is at the end of your arm. keep sharing @pinacle
correct our governmen seems not to help us so we just help ourselves...good am
In some countries, governments main job is really to take care of the welfare of his people first while there are also some that have other agenda. The mindset that government is working for you is rather true. Most countries require their citizens to pay income tax so governments do get paid from their citizens. If you look at it this way, you are the payer and government is the receiver. Governments make use of what they get to develop the countries as well as support many other areas! There are always two sides to the story!
Yes. Once we realize that all without is merely a reflection of our within, we understand that all is happening for us, not against us.
I think I belong to people running away from that rain and not enjoying it, there are a few who enjoy this rain, the gallery is awesome as always, keep sharing such posts, thankyou
While billions all over the world spend day and night toiling for the government the few who realize and found a way for the government to work for them owns the future
Life is crazy, so live it to the fullest... Your photography depicts wisdom bro... Hidden gems...
your room is very cute!
Sometimes you just have to embrace the rain, there's no need for an umbrella