Haha...when no one has quit anything, it means they're yet to face something serious.
The deepest level of quantum physics woul then only be quits.
Cool sunset pictures you have there.
since quantum physics tells us things change when we observe them, what dose that mean for a sunset like this ? did you view it into existence? Great shots!
The view of sun is incridble . I totally agree with u. I believe in metaphysics. The laws of physics like quantum theory or theory of relativity may hold good for a while but ultimately we have seen ever theory gets violated after decades. But metaphysics is something that is all your belief. No one could challenge u on real grounds.
When you break solid matter down into smaller and smaller portions, there is nothing solid or physical left except invisible energy.
I believe that's what you were getting at when you said scientists quit @pinacle.
yes indeed
Wow amazing photography 😍 which camera you used ?
Haha...when no one has quit anything, it means they're yet to face something serious.
The deepest level of quantum physics woul then only be quits.
Cool sunset pictures you have there.
physics is insane... A guy who know physics is i bet u r the happiest guy on the planet
This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by Werner Heisenberg:
"Only a few know, how much one must know, to know how little one knows."
Beautiful pics BTW.
I have seen people who left it the moment they hear the name.....#friends
Theology, philosophy, metaphysics, and quantum physics are merely ways for God to have his smart people believe in him...
Yup...that is right ....are we that smart..🤔
i aint any fool tho!
Good for you....
Yaed china yiwaan..
since quantum physics tells us things change when we observe them, what dose that mean for a sunset like this ? did you view it into existence? Great shots!
The view of sun is incridble . I totally agree with u. I believe in metaphysics. The laws of physics like quantum theory or theory of relativity may hold good for a while but ultimately we have seen ever theory gets violated after decades. But metaphysics is something that is all your belief. No one could challenge u on real grounds.
Very nice photos, the other day I could see part of your work What type of camera do you use?
android galaxy s8
It looks like you used a real camera. Amazing!
Great sunset picture

This is a picture of the sunset in the
middle of Marzouka desert in Morocco