Don’t legitimatize Insanity!
When a person has a radical idea that goes against all evidence of the reality and is completely illogical what should we do? First, you can tell him why they are wrong and hope they can straighten out their thinking. But, what if that does not work and they continue to push and try to spread their ideas and worse they start brainwashing others with their rhetoric. What do we do then?
As a society that values ideas, it is natural to want to defeat bad ideas logically and convince those that have them they are wrong and need to see the errors of their thinking. Anyone remotely paying attention to the current situation in the world can see this does not always work. When the bad ideas have been defeated with sound arguments (which in most the cases was done a long long time ago) but the sophists do not give up their attempts to hijack society with their ideas we have to STOP arguing and showing that their ideas are wrong and start to go back to the age-old tried and true methods of mockery and ostracization. When logic and reasoning are no longer effective continuing to try these methods only legitimizes their position and brings more ears to listen to their rhetoric as well as giving those involved the attention they are craving. This is very counterproductive as other that seek attention (positive or negative) might be enticed to join with the sophists. Now if we instead take the approach of ignoring them except to laugh at them and mock them we accomplish very important things. First, we deny them the attention they seek as no one likes to be mocked and ignored. Second, those that listen to these people will already have access to the arguments against them if they want to look, and will be much less likely to join a group that is the source of ridicule. This is why memes are so effective at turning the tide in these ridiculous “debates”. Lastly, it gives motivation to those with the bad ideas to rethink their opinions and figure out why everyone is laughing at them.
The current transgender agenda is one such example. Those that engage with these people are only helping to legitimize the issue as a credible issue when it is not. It makes it appear that there is 2 legitimate position to the debate when one side is in complete opposition to the fundamental laws of nature, logic, and intuition. Not everyone will always fit in with the society as a whole on every issue, and it is ok. But, for society to function properly it is important to attempt to fit in, and this not only better for society but better for the individuals that are not fitting in. so if someone is born a man and feels more comfortable as a woman and dresses and acts like a woman society will call them a woman more than not, and they will always have their own communities to associate with freely that can understand their unique position, and must know it is not acceptable to try to force society to bend to their wills. This is traditionally done by ostracization and mockery and for good reason because it works. It is a natural feedback loop as to what is acceptable and what is not. This is one of the major problems with society right now, we have allowed many irrational positions to become legitimate topics of debate. This is how a large group of people can all come to believe that something insane is true and we eventually end up as a large collection without our sense of reality complete warped to the point it has no objective truth left (which was always the end goal of those pushing the insane ideas to begin with).
The larger picture that most miss with these issues is that the larger agenda is to change society into believing everything is relative and the truth is what you make of it. It is this we need to fight against. Putting our effort into arguing the fruitcakes that will never change their mind no matter how good your arguments are is like spitting into the wind. It is time we ignore these shiny objects they throw in front of us and start to fight the real battle against those seeking to change the thinking of the masses and bend it towards their will. This is best done by learning how to think outside their box. Go beyond the issues they put in front of us to argue about and find the issues they don’t want us to address and force those to the surface and into the masses consciousness.
Thanks for reading :)
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I agree with you in principle, however, I also believe that we live in a post-fact society. The cabal has succeeded to corrupt our minds to an extend, where logic and reason are on their way out. It's opinion that matters. Groupthink and Newspeak.

Regarding the transgender issue, I have come across studies which suggest that the toxins in our environment actually cause gender confusion, even in animals. This is not only an outgrowth of a decaying society but has real, physical, chemical reasons.
oh there is a war on testosterone that is very clear. I will eventually do an article on it. And for the masses that can't think yes we might well indeed be in post fact world. though I don't write for them, as they have too far to go. I write for those that think they are "awake" to encourage them to not get stuck and continue to learn how to free their minds and have geniune free will.
I applaud your efforts. Speaking for myself only - I have been indoctrinated, fed lies and fluoride since childhood, am exposed to poisoned air, water and food, am surrounded by morons and 98% of the information I have access to is pure garbage. Maybe it's just me, but I don't have much confidence in the "free will" or "free mind" notion. The corruption of the mind goes too deep, the decay of society too advanced. I am myself guilty of helplessly observing the crime unfolding. All I have left is a toothless rage and some sarcastic comments once in a while. But again, I applaud your efforts and enjoyed reading your post. I rather fight as well...
we all start out in the mess, if you read this one I deal with the feeling of despair a bit. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink... at least it will be there and they will know where it is if they get thirsty enough.