Pet Rock Rant
OK, let me get this off my chest!
(I'm more than a little worried about where our civilization has been headed):
photo credit:
"Pet Rock is a collectible conceived in 1975 by advertising executive Gary Dahl. Pet Rocks are smooth stones from Mexico's Rosarito Beach.[1] They were marketed like live pets, in custom cardboard boxes,[1] complete with straw and breathing holes.[2] The fad lasted about six months, ending after a short increase in sales during the Christmas season of December 1975. Although by February 1976 they were discounted due to lower sales, Dahl sold 1.5 million Pet Rocks for $4 each,[1] and became a millionaire.[3][4][5]"
"With his money, Dahl opened a bar named "Carry Nations" in downtown Los Gatos, California, a reference to Carrie Nation.[3] Dahl continued to work in advertising; however, he avoided interviews for years, because "a bunch of wackos" harassed him with lawsuits and threats. Dahl said in 1988: "Sometimes I look back and wonder if my life wouldn't have been simpler if I hadn't done it."[4]"
What, fellow "citizens", have we come to?
The Pet Rock "Pet Carrier", which doubled as its packaging
photo credit:
What have advertising/marketing/public relations
done to our world? Is there any culture left to save? Is it already too late?
Pet rocks have existed before - yes,
but before mass consumerism brought out the inanity in everything!
The emperors of China
had whole zoos of them!
and displayed them with pride:
Here's one of my favorite "pet rocks"
How about showing us one of yours in a comment below?
And please remember these words of wisdom
from the inventor of the "pet rocks" of modern formation:
"Sometimes I look back and wonder if my life wouldn't have been simpler if I hadn't done it." Gary Dahl
you purchase that next piece of crap!!!
ouzo and out,
As you may remember, my Pet rocks haven't reduced in numbers and, especially after a stint out on Haida Gwaii where three different geological eras of rocks show up, I end up with a giant zoo. They might just be taking over my place!?! Luckily, the house I'm in now is about 8 times the size of the one I lived in the passed ten years.
Namaste :)
P.S.: I thought taking the picture of all of them would take forever and showing only a few might cause others to feel left out... ;)
It's nice of you to take your stones' feelings into consideration. After this, I will never accuse anyone of having a "stone cold" heart ever again!
I should always remember the teachings of Gary Dahl and think twice before purchasing something looking like a piece of crap!
But people became smarter and now they disguise that piece into something good looking :(
Beware of things disguised as good looking.
I try my best. But there are days when you let your guard down and eventually end up with a whole zoo of petrocks. Actually, they look kinda cute :)
Actually you probably just need a mirror to see something kinda cute :-)
Awww stop it youuu... you flatter me :D
I have got regular rocks,
Would that work 😬
No, sorry, you have to make pets out of them :-)
Off to work then
I guess MOON rocks would be appropriate in my book
Looks like they go moldy though. What a shame!
haha a shame indeed, not mine tho. So I won't suffer from it:)
If you care to take a guess and maybe win some ammo ---> Weed💚Challenge #22
@onceuponatime ... You put a smile on my face yet again.
The manual is a must read .... for owners of pet rocks!
" The Care and Training of your PET ROCK "
"If, when you remove the rock from its box it appears to be excited, place it on some old newspapers. The rock will know what the paper is for and will require no further instruction. It will remain on the paper until you remove it."
What a fad.
Actually Dahl's advice to those who want to succeed with a fad is:
"Enjoy it while it lasts"
By the way, Gary Ross Dahl, passed away approx 3 years ago - on March 23, 2015, at the age of 78.
Yup. I am enjoying your smiles while they last :-)
(until you turn over a new stone)
To quote Euripides ....

@onceuponatime, your photo shot wanna me rocking..First time heard this.
Just awesome...
very beautiful!

All paintings are a matter of great respect.
Unfortunately, over here, i/we have none. :(
Ok, I received recently a beautiful one as a gift from my dear friend Donna that she also put her initials at the back making it even more special for me :)!!
So tell me what you think of my pet stones :)!!!
I guess it all depends on if you're the kind of person who likes Chihuahuas, Toy Spaniels, Papillons, Pomeranians, Bologneses, and such :-)
Not for me. They look like something you would go fishing with (as the bait, not as a companion LOL)
It may be that the rocks of the emperors are not rocks but parts of stoned ancient trees... well at least they didn't paint faces on their rocks... they admired the strangeness of nature itself. Today people try to personalize the rocks. To make them look like humans... our ego on the stones... not even leaving a mark on a permanent rock in nature... No no no.... they will keep them at houses...
Man... we are lost... :)
Ancient trees used to get stoned? Really? :-)
The Emperors would move gigantic rocks for a thousand kilometers to balance the "feng shui" of a formal garden.