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RE: Trump is not secretly trying to fight the corruption in government and secret societies.

in #philosophy8 years ago

When I took the The Political Compass quiz, I tested smack in the middle of left hand territory. Not quite Anarchist as I believe in some sort of order. (Chaos may be a ladder, but it is not a sound enough structure to build upon.) I self-identify as more of a democratic socialist. That said, 45 hasn't done anything but try to funnel as much money as he can to his businesses and those of his children. It's all a sham. The only favor he did do us - if you can really call it a favor - is he has us talking with each other about the issues that are important. Politics were taboo, and that was the problem. Not enough people talking about it. Not enough people thinking critically about it. I have likened 45s supporters to those stuck in Plato's Cave, who refused to see things as they really are. They prefer to be spoon fed their 'alternative truths' from the talking heads. 45 played to their ignorance. Got what he wanted, and now we are all paying the price.
Thanks for posting this particular article. Whatever gets us talking, right? I hope others read it and take the time to respond as well.
ps thanks for the upvote!