Overthinking is a habit, you develop that habit through hesitation

in #philosophy7 years ago

One of the biggest issues in today's society, in my opinion, is overthinking. Many of us have to go through some phases in our life where we have to make a choice and the one we make could potentially have an impact on our future. I was brought up and raised in a way where I was to always think before I do something. This was mainly aimed at the small things such as, don't play with fire, Don't make silly mistakes you regret later and even think about what you want to say before you say it, just incase you say the wrong thing (this case would be when you are angry or frustrated). I was told to make sure that I think about the situation that is going on and will it harm me or anyone around me. It was to ensure my safety and that I was always being careful about what I did.

In today's society however, I have friends that, for example, do not know what to say to a girl when a simple "hello nice to meet you" is a start. They start thinking about all the ways that this girl would shut them down. Even through text when trying to sound perfect has literally messed with many peoples minds because they feel like one wrong word would mean she will reject you. To be honest if that was the case then she would not be the type of girl you would want to go for since that will possibly be the case everytime you talk to her, you just worry about what you have to say. I understand overthinking when it comes to situations that do impact ones life and what it could do to their careers and families. But then again the better you handle these situations the less overthinking you do. The reason is simple, you have been in these situations before and you can handle it when it comes again so that risk factor is not as big anymore. The only ones who will have a difficulty handling this are those that will never take a risk so they never learn and when they never learn they will keep overthinking. Why? because they keep hesitating to make a decision and they do not want to screw things up.

What I have done was gone through a scenario and asked myself "If the worst thing from this did happen, can I handle it? can I work around it? will it harm me or anyone around me?. In a way I would really try to put myself in this situation to see what its really like even if I don't get the full experience of it since I'm trying to imagine it, but I would like to try and figure out my limit and so far, most of these situations have been something I was able to work with if they failed badly. I would still be in a really really bad position but I would fight my way out of it eventually.

Overthinking holds you back from experiences. It is also saying that you need to take risks and you should CONSIDER the consequences before going forward. So if it was risking something small like going to talk to a girl and potentially getting rejected then go for it, don't think about the perfect line to say and learn from the experience of you going through this. You would actually be praised for it because you decided to do something about it.

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