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RE: What is Natural Law?

in #philosophy6 years ago

Great. Loved it. I'm not a fan of watching videos normally, I prefer to read, however I watched yours. And read the post.

I'd love to have a conversation around something... the idea of objectivity v. subjectivity. I'd like to go further specifically at the bit where you said that harming another is an objective, moral law.

Surely, for us to be able to say something is an objective truth (i.e. "natural law") then we would need to be able to find hard, scientific data to support this. Where is the evidence that harming another goes against a natural law? Because in the natural world, animals harm one another all the time: predators harm and take the lives of their prey, for example. And yet, we place no 'moral' judgement on such actions.

Surely morality is actually a human construct? Beavers don't have morality. Tigers don't have morality. Fish don't have morality. Plants don't have morality. Only humans. How can it be said to be an objective law thus?

I mean, I'm not entirely certain comparing the Law of Gravity with the 'Thou shalt not kill' Law is somewhat congruent, no? Even if we were devout Abrahamics, God says 'don't kill' and then changes his mind and wipes out humanity in a flood, and tells his chosen people to go smite heathens burns entire civilisations to the ground.... doesn't seem very much like an 'objective law' to me....

Would love to know more on your thoughts around this.... great stuff!!!! 😊🙏🏽☯️


Thanks for your reply @metametheus!

Natural Law applies to beings with the capacity to reason. It may seem strange that a fundamental law of the universe relies on the mental state of a being, but that's because most people are not aware that the universe is fundamentally mind. There is a different result when an individual acts knowing they are causing harm than when they don't know that. This difference in the mind of the individual effects how the universe (a larger mind) responds to it.

The explanation isn't important though. I'm recommending each individual do the experiments themselves (i.e. do the science in your own life). I have and am convinced. My or anyone else's words shouldn't be what convinces you. See it for yourself and nobody will be able to tell you otherwise.

I mean, I'm not entirely certain comparing the Law of Gravity with the 'Thou shalt not kill' Law is somewhat congruent, no?

It's called a category error.

It is important to avoid conflating Quanta and Qualia.

Otherwise you end up making ridiculous assertions, such as, 1 + 1 = 2 therefore I love you.