Us the forgettables

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)
I'm sure I'm not the only that has ever thought about this. After all, it's a common aspect of life. You meet someone, you share an experience, a laugh, a meal. You think to yourself what a great person he/she is. You even imagine developing a friendship, how possible it could be, how easy it would be. But, you also know it's not gonna happen.

Is it tragic? Not really. I mean, it seems to be, because you can see it as a missed opportunity to have a meaningful connecting with another human being. I'm not talking about romantic connections, at least not exclusively. I'm more referring to people that you know you click with, those you feel deep inside your heart, vibrate in a combatible way with your thoughts, with your personality.

I'm thinking about this today, this saturday morning of all days. Because I was remembering my management training days all those years ago. The company I used to work for would send me on this extended trips for training. It was fun, I won't lie. The experience of seeing a new city, engaging with people with different backgrounds was always enriching. To me the opportunity to create alliances within the brand new group that had sprouted just for the event was a main focus.

Think about this for a minute. Have you ever been at a gathering and you know absolutely nobody? Does that feel comfortable? Do that sound like a good time? Of course not. So my approach has always been to walk through the door kicking the ice down. My mindset was and has been: I'm going to make some good friends today.

You could say it's a self defense mechanism. After all, it's important to feel like someone has your back. But, I'm sure there are layers of sociological explanations for awkward interactions, the overly compensating dialogues and the social butterflies trying to catch a wind drift.

So there, all those names, all those faces being slowly deleted from my memory. All the people who I shared a drink with, laughed, joked around with. As time goes by they become faceless, then nameless and then, a blurry distant memory. It's almost as if their unique feature, the one thing that made them an individual in my eyes is slowly being stolen from my personal archives.

Funny.... it's funny how that works. But it's not tragic, at least not in the way we think of tragedies. It just is. And I'm sitting here wondering the number of brains where a vague memory of me resides, slowly eroding into forgetfulness.

Here is my little tribute, this post... to us... the forgettables.

• Murphy's law was it?
• Follow up Video - Not Poor Anymore?
• Not Poor Anymore? - A tale from another time
• Picking the Winner - HODLing Assistance series
• Why I'm against Ripple...

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This post reminded me of one of my favorite words of all time.

n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness—an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.

"I'm sitting here wondering the number of brains where a vague memory of me resides, slowly eroding into forgetfulness."

Great post, meno!

Maybe great minds think alike, cos you sound like Stanford psychiatrist and writer, Irvin Yalom, who said:-

"Some day soon, perhaps in forty years, there will be no one alive who has ever known me. That's when I will be truly dead - when I exist in no one's memory. I thought a lot about how someone very old is the last living individual to have known some person or cluster of people. When that person dies, the whole cluster dies,too, vanishes from the living memory. I wonder who that person will be for me. Whose death will make me truly dead?"

And I was thinking that if Irvin Yalom can write words like that, how can he be forgotten?

And if you write words, like this post on a Blockchain, how can you be forgotten?

It is what it is. :)

Oh man... i love that.. i'm going to read up on his work. Thank you for sharing that.

His work is way above my head lol! Stuff about how to integrate an understanding of meaninglessness with psychological treatments.

But his quotes, those I understand. :)

I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying.
I don't want to live on in the hearts of my countrymen; I want to live on in my apartment.

Woody Allen.

The way most folks feel about Woody Allen, his apartment is probably the only place he feels safe right now .

Confusing for me, as I love his movies. :|

The whole step-daughter thing? I haven't followed it closely, but from a distance it's not a good look.

hahahhahah in true Woody Allen fashion...

This matches my current mood. Although with me I'm pretty sure I just try too hard and talk too much, sometimes losing track of the core point because my mind has just wandered.... There it goes again....

ahahah Eon... wait... what are we talking about? What did i just ask you?

And I'm sitting here wondering the number of brains where a vague memory of me resides, slowly eroding into forgetfulness.

You went way to deep man... did you find adele rolling down there?

I can't remember most of my highschool class! The alcoohol doesn't help, but still, some i've long forgotten! I only remember them if they stand right in front of me!

It happens so slow its impossible to identify. I've ran into people, 20 years later that remember me and I don't remember them. It's overwhelming at times. Obviously I play it cool.

But I'm sure it happens the other way around as well.

Everytime i don't remember a guy's name i just call them "hey big guy", works everytime, they never suspect i don't know who they are xD

What is very awkward is when one you get across of of those people and they greet you by your name and you don't remember their name or even who they are.

very philosophy post @meno, I like it and wait for the next post @meno

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very philosophy post @meno, I like it and wait for the next post @meno

Posted using Partiko Android

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