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RE: Follow up Video - Not Poor Anymore?

in #philosophy6 years ago

Money has a high possibility of making you very poor given that the envy it can cause in the people closest to the person in question. I've had a lot of money at one time in my life and it caused me to lose some family and friends who turned out to only value me for what I could give them in material (notably the money itself). I am to this day sorrowful over the loss, even though they aren't the kind of people I want in my life to begin with. On the flip side of that, I have learned a lot about real wealth by being both poor and rich financially and seeing both sides of the equation. It can be a struggle to live moment to moment and enjoy life, but if one can get to that point, the richness comes from just being in the moment and enjoying the natural world. I like to get stoned a lot and play my guitar, or love on my dogs or all three. When I'm doing those things I feel like the richest being in the universe. Simple things. <3


I love it... knowing your truth is the biggest part of the battle.