Dominators and Controllers Take Silence as Tacit Acceptance
When there are real or perceived problems, talking about it allows for a solution to be found. Letting a problem continue by not saying anything, does not help yourself. It can even harm your self-interest in the long run.
If you're not against a certain something, then you're supporting it by the default of letting it stand. Even if you don't say you do support it, there is an implicit support by not standing against it. You let it continue by supporting it by not trying to stop it. It persists by others supporting it and continuing to create it. Neutrality does not oppose an active force. This applies in multi-faceted ways throughout life.
Abuser and Victim
An example of doing nothing, not standing against something to let something persist, is about abusive behavior (verbal, physical, whatever). This can create a false dichotomy of an abuser and victim that most of us tend to trap ourselves into. People will tend to either identify themselves as a weak victim and do nothing, or identify themselves as the strong dominating oppressor who at least isn't a weak victim.
The latter appeals to those who fear being victimized, who instead chose to be victimizers of others and perpetuate the self-deluded justification of abusing others. And then others fear what will happen if they dare speak up more strongly (if at all) against something wrong, so they let it continue, and don't stand up for themselves strongly enough to put a stop to it. It then persists because no force of speech or action opposes it.
Identifying with the aggressor, abuser, oppressor, dominator, violator, etc., will tend to promote a mimicry of that behavior to establish a position of not being a victim. The false dichotomy perpetuates through fear on both sides. For some it's preferable to be a dominated than be dominated, to be a victimizer than be a victim.
Identifying with the victim and letting the victimization continue is not beneficial to the short term self-interests of the one being abused, and certainly extended durations of abuse are not good for their self-interest either. It's also not beneficial to the one abusing.
The Apophatic Way - NO! Stop. Stand up. Act!
Made by @krnel
How can something stop being, if people let it be? If energy is being used to continually perpetuate a modality of being or existence, then that modality will persist. Wishing that someday, in some distant future, things will "organically" change for the better while others are still actively creating the opposite, is not going to make the change happen.
Nothing will change if you let things keep going. It's that simple.
Social engineers, manipulators, "dark occultists", controllers, dominators, abusers, etc., use this inaction and silence against us. Trauma can be applied on an individual basis, but also on a larger group collective consciousness.
In society as a whole, if we don't speak up about important issues -- yes, to complain about them in order to bring awareness, which creates conflict, controversy, tension, interference( yes that sucks) -- then things won't magically change in our favor. If we let things continue, that's a tacit acceptance, of saying yes because we are not saying no. Fear is a powerful psychological force that prevent speaking up or standing up to try to get things to change for the better.
A force in motion will continue in motion. Inertia applies in reality beyond physical objects in motion, where the psychological causal agent can act to change the inertia of what is set in motion. The human world and our collective direction can be altered.
If something is a problem, or even a benefit, and people let it continue, then it will continue, and possible grow. But if you want to change things to be less of a problem, or less beneficial, then actions need to be taken to affect change.
Life is filled with various levels of trauma that affect us emotionally and psychologically. Trauma is a harm that is not so easily seen, and can affect our self-view and worldview for a long time, if not for life. We are automatically scarred by many of life's events -- engraving and etching experience into our characters to shape who we are.
There is a lot of damage that we sustain from growing up and being conditioned into falser potentials of ourselves through the fake, sick and insane society that surrounds us. We are fooled and conditioned into being fools.
Are you being fooled? How would you know if you're not aware of it?
It's one thing to be fooled, and another to be aware that you are being fooled, and yet another to be aware you are being fooled and then put a stop to it.
Do you know about methods and mechanisms of mind control, manipulation and deception?
Do you know if you're lying to yourself, fooling yourself, or being self-deluded? Lying to ourselves is easier than lying to others.
If we don't know the methods of manipulation that others can use on us, or we can use on ourselves, then how can we know if we or others are doing it to us?
Understanding how we can be manipulated is required to stop being manipulated. Understanding how we can be fooled is required to stop being fooled. Understanding how we fool ourselves is required to stop being a fool.
How much about language and symbolism do you understand? How much about philosophy do you understand? How much about psychology and consciousness do you understand? How much time and attention has been spent, and is being spent, learning about such fundamental understandings of reality?
Learn about those topics. Learn about methods of manipulation, mind control and deception. Learn about logic, fallacies, and cognitive biases in order to learn how to think better.
Once we face the problems in the world and in ourselves, once we see how sick it is, once we see how our potential and the potential of the world is being subverted for certain agendas and the wills of dominators, controllers, abusers, etc., then we can do something about it. Then healing can begin. Then we can become well.
Revisiting Trauma
If you want to learn how we are imprisoned in consciousness through our conditioning in society, then it takes time to change and heal from the illness that makes us sick falser versions of our potential selves. Learning is the first step. Knowledge empowers change. Ignorance of important subjects does not promote positive beneficial change for ourselves or others.
This can tie into the previous example of abuse. People who seek to abuse others are not in a developed psychological or emotional state. They don't seek to gain attention in a mutually respectful way. They often want attention by continuing the abuse cycle, by having people look at them as powerful and not weak. Often they have suffered and were weak, so they want to make others suffer so that they appear strong, in control, and not weak anymore, creating useless conflict, pain and suffering towards others.
They were once traumatized, or suffered some abuse (physical, psychological, emotional, etc.), and it affected them psychologically and emotionally as they developed and shaped their self-view and worldview of how they understood themselves and the world. It turned them into a vicious mean person who lashes out towards others. They are still traumatized children inside their consciousness, who haven't grown up and matured, acting out the trap of being an abuser so that they can keep oppressing others and feel powerful.
They are simultaneously an abuser and abused, abusing by themselves and their potential, to remain in this devolved psychological state of being. To understand reality more deeply, requires recognition of others. To live with others, we need to recognize others and ourselves mutually, to not harm others, or stop others from harming which would then require the need for action to stop us/them.
When powerful people use their power to abuse others, it's using force or power outside of a morally justified cause, contrary to the justified action of someone who steps in and stops that abuse. Abusers are not justified. They harm their own self-interest in a society or real community that cares. It takes people to care and do something about abuses of power for it to stop. We are not separate parts of the system and community we are in. Treating others with abusive behavior, is not to be tolerated in a real community. Ever.
But fear often gets the better of us all, and we let various things continue. We don't want to get involved, to deal with the hassle or ourselves being targeted. So we let it continue. We let others dominate while the rest of us are victims to their power. We turn ourselves into victims by not standing together for whats right, good and true.
The way for the dominators and controllers to stop their ways, to stop being empowered and ruling over others, is for others to stop them. We need to speak, act, and stand up, if we want to change anything in life. Passivity, being quiet, not speaking up about an issue, is not doing anything either. Speaking is an action. Truth doesn't speak for itself. We have to speak truth into existence to create change.
Not speaking up to misuse or abuse of power is to let it continue, and we potentially all become victims of power that dominate our lives, even if we don't see how we're being affected by it. Power can grow, and those with less power get even less. We're all in this together, or we're essentially all alone, in it for ourselves alone and don't care unless we see how it affects us as a community or society in the short or long-term.
Steem demonstrates these issues well. The rich have all the power. Speaking up against them is like being in totalitarianism, a dictatorship, a monarchy, or plutocracy, where the ruler doesn't like being questioned and will use their power to punish those who speak up against them. They have the power, they can do what they want and get away with it.
When we don't unite against corrupted power, we are all alone in the end, as we let things continue because we don't have each other's backs to stand up against it. Our silence ensures the powerful can do what they want as they please. People are afraid of being targeted and few stand together, with everyone being alone in the end to let things continue as they are.
The world works this way too. It often takes a majority of people in a society to stand against powerful forces at play. Politics and hidden hands of power get away with what they get away with because we don't know about it, and if we do, we don't speak up. We are disempowered from not speaking up, and they remain in power. Our silence lets them keep doing what they do.
Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.
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So much of this boils down to fear. I was bullied as a very young child. At home, at school, neighborhood. Until my anger grew great enough I fought back. Studying fighting, lifting weights. But instead of becoming a bully, I began intervening for what I felt was pure hearted kids. This carried on well into my adulthood.
The last time I had to intervene was about 20 years ago. Two old men were arguing at the swap meet and one of the men had his two very large sons with him. They were in the next aisle from me, but could see them as the space behind me was empty. One of the sons pushed the old man his father was arguing with down and I saw red. I ran over and took him down from a full run as I swept his support foot out from under him. He was incapacitated from the ground and my weight atop him. Once I acted, several others suddenly rushed in to make sure his brother didn't get involved until the cops got there.
I remember vividly the intense anger I had with that large crowd that had gathered. Anger that every single one of them were cowards and allowed a large man to bully a frail old man like they did. Honestly, I do not believe the majority will ever act, even if their own demise was imminent. Many people are just cowards. Not sure what the answer to that is.
The majority will always stand on the sidelines, waiting to determine who they believe has the upper hand and at that point will pretend to back the winning hand openly.
I say all of this because I am of the mind that things will never get better if people are waiting for the majority to get involved. They will refuse to act until they see successful opposition. The dark masters exploit this very well unfortunately.
Many only act when it's personal, and many are falsely loyal to a fault, where they support those who are in the wrong due to that blind loyalty. I told my g/f that I won't support you if you're wrong just because of some idiotic tradition or programming that you have to always support someone eve if they are wrong. What's right is right, wrong is wrong.
Many don't want to get involved, especially with it's against big bullies. We're afraid no one else will help us if we're small too ;) It takes courage to stand up. Good on you for doing it. It angers me too when injustice is being done.
Fear is the mind killer. You got it right. Dark masters know we fear standing alone so we don't :/
I know the bit about re-visiting trauma too well.....and u r right. Ty for this!
Silence is an conspiracy and it's becoming tradition this means if we see any negative things in society or if we see any immoral domination then many of us just ignore it because it's not happening with us and we are not the victims but it will contrary when we are victims and we hope for others to help. First of all it's all depend upon the upbringing means, if parents teach children from childhood to defend any immoral acts no matter who is facing it. And same way, if parents say to their child as don't involve in matter of others and just mind your business, then these words can stay with children for whole life and most of the people are faced the same situation.
So, in my opinion there are lot of things which sounds as conspiracy and those are teachings by the elders in some cases because they are not wrong they also received the same stuff from their elders which reflects as chain of ancient conspiracy and these teachings possibly restricting our responsibilities till our house and family. But now we have to change our mind and we have to stand against the false domination and negative activities in this world.
Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
Yup, it's all gotta be personal, or else many don't care :/
This was an interesting take on the issue.
"Social engineers, manipulators, "dark occultists", controllers, dominators, abusers, etc., use this inaction and silence against us."
I find that to be true and the push to keep us quiet is quite strong. Now that you bring it up, there a lot of pithy sayings that promote a culture of silence and, despite their flawed message, people repeat them as though they are some undeniable truth.
I think there is some degree of internal drive that plays a role here too though. Some people are very uncomfortable with attention and actively opposing things does bring a lot of it. I don't how one would address that issue though.
Yup, opposing things puts a dangerous target on one's back. Doing so in number works better ;)
Sad but true. It probably isn't the best example but that is exactly what happened to Tommy Chong. If you research how and why he went to prison, it is clear that it had very little to do with the supposed "crime" he had committed and everything to do with punishing him for his advocacy of cannabis.
'Treating others with abusive behavior, is not to be tolerated in a real community. Ever.'
I agree with you wholeheartedly, and here, in this community many people seem to go out of their way to suck up to the worst abusers and give support to it.
Personally I would be happier to see the rules for voting witnesses changed and make every witness vote of equal value.
Yeah, SP domination of the platform with power makes this a plutocracy, and it sucks hard :/
Very insightful post and i agree fully with it. I do want to mention a scenario, however, in which i think being neutral is better. Or well, not choosing a side is better. And again, one can have a different take on it. I am talking about politics today.
I do think that a lot of people are victims and see the political class as abusers. They use trickery to fool people and help the rich abuse the poor, leading to a widening wealth gap. And often in politics, i will be made to take a stance for/against the incumbent. For example in the US, i will have to be choose between republics and democrats and in the UK, tories and labour. And i dont think choosing a side in this case is helpful. In fact both sides are abusers and focus on extremes, and in that process lose the big picture view and what is beneficial for society. I do want to be neutral in that case and see everything for what its worth.
Sorry, i dont mean to critique your article, because i actually see sense in what you have written. However, i wanted to share an subject which can fall in the gray area when faced with a choice of standing for something.
Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.
Well said.
That's a false dichotomy of choosing a losing hand, and people keep falling for it :/
You mean not taking a side or taking a side by being influenced?
people will not be able to unite until they realize that materialism is "dark occultism" ... sad but so, until them they will do everything to defend the system, willingly or not. When overwhelmed with facts most prefer to look the other way.
As always articles that are written are always informative and weighty. Thank you for writing
Agree but every body has his own way for his lifestyle to live
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