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RE: So, you're an anarchist?

in #philosophy8 years ago

For all of history before the state (and all of history for most non-human animals), every being has been an individual sovereign, controlling their own personal resources... so, obviously yes.

Also, if individuals cannot handle this for themselves (as you are putting forth), how could one ever possibly handle it for another.


Yes I agree but that was before the world's population exceeded 500 million. So now we need a State that enforces an agreed upon rule of law and protects human/civil rights of political minorities. The US calls it the new world order but that's actually scary to me; ie: here's why,

The state is the biggest cause of infringements on human/civil rights that humanity has ever seen. Whether that state be the US, USSR, Nazi Germany, North Korea, Russia, China, etc. A state is by definition an infringement on human rights, as it only receives income by stealing it, only creates rules through threatening violence, and is simply institutionalized feudalism.

There have been many horrors perpetrated in the name of government and fighting against one in favor of another, but that's Human Nature... thousands of years of evidence of that.

but that's Human Nature... thousands of years of evidence of that.

As I've said elsewhere in these comments, your definition of human nature is only looking at humans born & raised in these centralized, force-based cultures, and thus is not our nature, it is a set of behaviors reinforced and perpetuated by those systems.

A human who had never experienced war, taxation, violent monopoly, etc (either personally or through "education") would react to every situation in a completely different (and unknown to us) way than anyone for whom those things have been completely normalized (if not idealized).

We all cannot live in the jungles or remote beaches of Panama (I've tried but it gets really boring) where the natives still live in their natural state, but even they compete with other "families" for survival - and get pregnant as soon as they are able to. It's not only corporations who rely on the State; civilization does. What we have today is the result of thousands of years of trial and error in upgrading civilization. With the invention of Nationalism, the United States of America and our constitution we have cast off Tribalism and even monarchies and we have upgraded the world through technology from an agrarian economy to one based on silicon. Anarchy really seems like a downgrade to our tribal past.

I know you've stated it many times about blaming gang mentality & criminal behavior on the socio economic conditions where force is the norm. However these conditions have been created by humans so which behavior should I believe is Human Nature? The nurturing altruistic one or the one where tribes kill other tribes for exclusive use of the fertile lands and fat hunting grounds?

Plenty of people have been raised in abject poverty of our society and have become great people and others with silver spoons have become dregs of society. The Natural man is without morals as every other creature. It is our intelligence that has allowed us to create the fiction of law and be subject to it whether it be voluntary or not.

This is where we are today. At a crossroads of politics and economics, where there are still billions of people without access to technology, working harder than ever, so a small group of people don’t have to.

Society has been here for a while but it is making progress. We have cast off feudalism for a large extent arguably in favor of Republics that respect human rights and private property being a far cry of living under the wonderfully tyrannical reigns of the Pharaohs, Genghis Kahn, Alexander the Great, the Caesars of Rome, and the Kings, Queens, and Emperors of Europe.

Society has created institutions and tax policies, dedicated to helping all of humanity move out of poverty but this is a daunting task. As long as Labor Intensive Jobs even exist it will be impossible to eliminate measuring talent all together, and the Global Lords are loathe to give up that level of control; but it won't happen anyway. No one wants to be equal in this world. We'd have no way to measure our Talents and feel special and appreciated, which is the basis of human desire beyond survival.