Zen Koan For Our Time - the Patriarchy?

in #philosophy7 years ago


The earnest pupil sat at the feet of his master and asked: "Master, what are the steps to Enlightenment?"

"The ability to perceive that which eludes all others," the master replied.

"And can you teach me to think like an enlightened one?"

"Surely, so answer me this, whom does Patriarchy serve?"

"Oh, that is easy master, men of course. It is an invention by men to oppress women. Everybody knows that!"

"Mm, so men should enjoy richer and more content lives in comparison with women? If, of course, patriarchy serves them?"

"Yes master, that would be the obvious criteria."

"So then, which gender resorts to taking its life more frequently?"

"Men do, they kill themselves at far higher rates than women, at the age that life should beckon them."

"And my observant pupil, which gender dies at a younger age?"

"Again it is men, they die many years younger than women across the globe."

"What about the major known causes of death? Men or women?"

"Again master, it is men who suffer more from over a dozen of the top causes of death. Mm, master this is truly strange, for it seems patriarchy is killing men, though they are supposedly benefiting from it at the expense of women? This is a paradox to me."

"And let us see what else you know : which gender fares better academically, and hence has better employment opportunities?"

"Ah, women easily. The entire educational system favours girls over boys now. Boys have different preferred learning styles to girls and require male role models - which they no longer receive.
Oh, master, could this explain why boys are diagnosed with sham illnesses and drugged at much higher rates than girls?"

"Excellent observation. I am impressed by your aptitude. Another question: what is the fastest growing employment sector in the world, and which gender does it favour?"

"Master, that is the service industry and it predominantly employs women."

"So, my pupil, I ask again: whom does patriarchy serve?"

"Ah, thank you master, for teaching me to think like an enlightened one!"