7 books you should read that will make you a critical thinker
Thinking has been around since probably the first humans were around so learning to think critically and analytically will help you out a lot in life so here is a list of 7 books you can read to help you with that.
- Thinking, Fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman
- Teaches you about the two systems of thinking
- How to read a book by Mortimer J. Adler
- This book will teach you how to look at a piece of text and analyze it critically
- Manufacturing consent by Herman and Chomsky
- This will teach you how to question everything
- Plato's dialogues
- Platonic philosophy
- The demon haunted world by Carl Sagan
- Shows you how to tell the difference between pseudoscience and actual science
- Predictably irrational by Dan Ariely
- The argument that refutes the common misconception that we act in rational ways
- The art of deception by Capaldi and Smit
- teaches you the art of deception, persuasion etc.

I am also share my favorite books.