Mandela Effect - DWave Computers - Changing Simulated Reality -
Mandela Effect

There are a lot of people out there that think the Mandela Effect (ME for short) is complete ridiculousness. I am not of this train of thought. Let me explain my personal experiences with ME.
In 1999 I worked for a short time at a bookstore. While putting books away I noticed that The Berenstein Bears title was no longer spelled with a STEIN, but a STAIN. I remember staring at the books in total confusion, but I chalked it up at the time to myself not remembering it correctly as yet another example of some defectiveness that must have been wrong with me. (A note at this point in my life I had extreme low self esteem and thought something was fundamentally wrong with me.) A few years later I saw it again, I think it was in 2002 as my daughter was nearly in school and my son was still in a stroller. At this point I had the internet and seeing this I decided to look it up. When I looked it up everything agreed that it was Berenstain Bears. So again I thought I was just misremembering it. A decade later other people started noticing it and it suddenly was all over the internet. Now I realized I was not alone, it was not just me remembering something wrong, it was a lot of people remembering something wrong, or possibly correctly and our reality is wrong. The later possibility was never something I had considered in my younger years.
In 2006 I took a Vampires in Literature class, as I was working on a degree in English lit at the time. Our final paper was on the topic of the book Interview with THE Vampire. I read this book several times through, I had watched the movie many times before I took this class and watched it several times during this class. My English teacher was very strict when it came to spelling and punctuation. She would mark off even the smallest things in a paper - so getting an A in her class was actually difficult. On my final paper I received an A+ with not one thing marked off. I've still got a copy of the final paper on one of my old computers, which I have gone back and checked. The title on the paper included Interview with A Vampire. I repeat the title of the book with the A in it at least 10 times. If in 2006 this was incorrect I would have probably gotten an F on this paper, if I couldn't even get my topic written correctly. I remember the title being Interview with A Vampire, because the word THE implies that Louie (the vampire being interviewed in the book is the ONLY vampire. This is not correct in the world that Anne Rice created, there were many vampires in this world. However if you ask Anne Rice about her book, she will say everyone is nuts it's always been THE. She will even get very irritated with this question.
I am also a huge fan of the original Star Wars series. As a child of the 80s I watched Star Wars every time it was on TV, all 3 movies. I even saw Return of the Jedi in the theater when I was 5, that is how much of a fan I was at such a young age. Over the years I watched the trilogy hundreds of times at least. I own the box set DVDs and have watched the movies with the commentary too -- yes this tells you how big of a nerd I am. I can, clear as day, hear James Earl Jones saying the line "No, Luke... I (with emphasis on the I) am your father." Now I know many people think the line was just Luke, I am your father, but as I recall from all the times of watching that movie, he's answering Luke by saying No, Luke. And then there is a pause for dramatic effect between the No, Luke and the next revealing sentence of I am your father. The line as it is now does not have as much dramatic impact as it did the way it was as I remember it from my hundreds of times watching it.

There are many others that I've come across, like Dolly not having braces in Moonraker - when that was definitely a comedic moment of finding a common thing that would equal the budding of a new relationship between characters, but now it just feels like it's missing that little something. "If you build it, they will come" from Field of Dreams doesn't make as much sense now that it is "If you build it, he will come." "Life IS like a box of chocolate," and there is plenty of residue in pop culture that tells us it should be this line, because that even though he is speaking of his Mama in the past tense, the phrase she used to say was said in present tense.
I experienced the change of Sex In The City to Sex AND the City while the series was still on in it's last season. For the first several seasons I knew it to be Sex In the City, I often used the show name with the first letters of each word as part of a password SITC was what I used for a few years in the early part of the 2000s online. Then during the last season I realized the name of the show had an AND in it instead of IN, which made me very confused as to how for several years I had been writing my password using the wrong letter. I owned the DVD box sets of the show and watched the seasons through many times, the change to AND was very off putting. But at the time I chalked it up to me being stupid and misremembering.
I would have continued to think all of these things were simply misremembering if the surreal and very physical feeling associated when I see something that is significantly different than what I remember it as, it's not like when you forget where you put your keys, or can't remember someone's birthday or even not remembering how to spell someone you know relatively well's name, not this is a very visceral full being sensation that makes my stomach churn and the feeling of being connected to reality is set on pause for a moment.
Some of the more recent ones I've seen come up is a mysterious crystal that Captain Picard apparently was carrying around in 70 some odd episodes of Star Trek the next generation. I watched that show a lot as a kid as my father loved Star Trek. I wasn't a huge fan of it, but it was on a lot in my house. I never recall a crystal being carried around ever. It's weird, but was a less visceral feeling than the others. Chick-fil-A was Chic-fil-a for me because I remember always think it was weird that they would spell it with just a C when that word is pronounced Sheek, not chick.
There are some ME's that I don't have, like Sinbad in a genie movie, I knew of the pirate cartoon by the name of Sinbad, and the movie Kazaam had the basketball player Shaq in it. There are logos, and labels, and other things that people have brought up, but I just don't have a different recollection of, or ones I am unsure of don't give me that same visceral disconnected from reality feeling. Those I can only speculate on if they could have possibly changed, or if maybe it's changed for only some people.
So that is my ME experience, it's a personal experience and not something everyone seems to be experiencing, which itself is kind of strange. But it is the nature of consciousness connected to this reality, we are all different in this simulated reality but we share this same 3 dimensional space.
D-Wave Computers and the connection to ME

There are a lot of theories of why ME's are happening. It is of course all speculation and some of it is serious out there in terms of probability, though in this reality really anything could be possible, the probability helps us decide which theories could be closest to reality. Time travel is theoretically possible in some form or another, be it shoving the human body actually through space-time or transferring consciousness through the time line or even parallel universes. However, time travel, as possible as it is, would probably have much bigger effects than these small changes in things we see in our culture. People might not exist, or events might not have taken place if there was that much interference in the timeline. The only thing that ME's could represent in the time traveler theory would be coded markers to allow other travelers to know what reality they are in or that events might have been changed.
Another theory is that our entire reality collapsed and that we now exist blended into another reality. This too is possible, but given the stretches of the imagination as to how or why a reality would collapse like that and if we'd have transferred any of our consciousness memories from on reality frequency to the next is questionable.
To me the most likely theory right now is that quantum computers are causing this strange disruption to reality. I think it is also connected to the hadron colliders, as they function in a similar clean state environment much the way quantum computers must operate. The first hadron collider to be built was in 1971 by Cern. It is fascinating that the first instances of the Mandela Effect happened in the 70s with people thinking Nelson Mandela died. Now I don't think that the overall effect was as wide spread by the use of the hadron colliders as it is now, but I think they were the start of the disruption. As quantum computers started to come into being in 1998 in California's Silicon Valley, the spreading of the mandela effect seemed to grow.
I'm not going to get into the full science of what quantum computers are or how they function as that would make for an extremely long article, but suffice it to say, quantum computers use quantum entanglement and superposition of what they call qubits. Now unlike a classic type of computer chip, this chip has to have some serious isolation from the environment in order to behave in its quantum state -- because as we know from the double slit experiment an observed particle will behave like a particle, but an unobserved particle will behave like a wave function. Consciousness, or the observer, influences how matter actually behaves. With that theory in mind, quantum computers can't have consciousness interference, or observer contamination, so they must isolate the chip within an environment that is near absolute Zero - near meaning 20 milikelvins kind of temperature which is about -273 Celsius - yes that means ridiculously cold. They have to shield the chips from what they call quantum decoherence. To put this in normal person speak, they are basically trying to shove most of what makes this reality exist out of the containers in order to have as little interference as possible with the chips.
I watched a talk by Geordie Rose on youtube and found it interesting that aside from their need to push reality out of these containers, they are actually talking about how the quantum computer chips are accessing parallel universes. The more qubits they have running on a chip the father out into parallel universes they can access, and even grab resources and information from these parallel realities! I couldn't believe they were openly talking about this information and no one has made the connection that maybe their reaching in and grabbing resources is actually having an effect on this reality that we are living in. Not to mention what is happening in the parallel realities that are also doing the same thing with their quantum computers especially if the deviation from our reality is super low, meaning only small things are actually different between the realities. Not to mention they are now basically talking about parallel realities as actual things, no longer just in the world of theory.
So people are being mocked in the mainstream media for thinking the mandela effect is real, when we're messing around with parallel realities? All separate realities will have some deviations from this reality, as they are operating on a separate frequency from us, and have even tiny little differences. These ME's are tiny little changes to the reality we have known. Ironically enough, MEs seem to be heavily focused in areas where these quantum computers are located...think Google's complex and it's closeness to Hollywood. Movies are changing, books are changing, some people in some locations have even noticed changes in their physical surroundings - like missing parks, or hiking trails that no longer exist and never did. I would be willing to bet that if MEs were actually plotted on a map we would find quantum computers somewhere within the highest concentrations of MEs.
Our Simulated Reality has been Changed

The average person going to work, going on dates, having kids, worrying about bills, dealing with daily drama, cooking dinner, watching TV, going to bed, getting up, worrying about average things, thinking about average things...these people don't pay much attention to the scientific thoughts that have been trickled into the mainstream theory except for maybe a post shared by a friend on facebook, or an instagram posted link to a clickbait article where an article is written as something amusing and served up in small doses, the simulated reality concept gets mentioned but is never fully thought about by the average person or how that impacts us on a daily basis.
Does living in the Matrix really effect our daily life? Are we going to stop worrying about our daily grind, trying to live in the reality we live in? Not really. It's the same as every other day, but it is a significant paradigm shift in our perception of the reality we inhabit. The realization however could change the way we interact with each other as consciousness that is plugged into a matrix, maybe, just maybe we can learn to treat each other better, because our consciousness is not a race, a belief system, or a gender. We are pure souls and the space between us really doesn't exist. But the old paradigms are hard to leave behind, entrenched in belief systems and often fueled by hate and a desire to control everything around us to fit into our narrow world view.
But what does that mean for this reality? It means we may actually have an ability to hack the code, to do things that we never could have dreamed of with a belief system that this reality is solid, is the original, and that there is no ability to hack the system. It means that consciousness in this system actually exists outside of this system and that this life is not the end of existence, but just one experience that our consciousness goes through. Does that negate religious beliefs? To some extent yes, but in other ways no. We don't know where consciousness resides outside of this projected/coded 3 dimensional reality. We don't understand how consciousness is connected to this reality, or any of the infinite parallel matrix realities that seem to exist. We don't remember what happens to consciousness outside of this reality as we are trust into this reality with a memory wipe. But having a grasp on these new concepts and understandings of the matrix of this reality could help us discover the answers to these questions.
For everything we still don't know about reality and consciousness, we know even less about what effects may be had as we start messing with the coding of reality and interacting with parallel universes. It is entirely possible that reaching in and grabbing resources and information from parallel realities could have not just an effect on our reality, but the other parallel realities as well. We don't know if the realities with the closest deviations to our own aren't also operating their own D-Wave computers and are enhancing and interacting with our reality. We don't even know if scientists responsible for all this new technology have even asked these questions or explored the possible negative implications of what we are doing. So in the end this quantum computer could be an amazing development in human evolution, or it could cause any number of unforeseen and devastating consequences to our reality and our conscious connection to this matrix we live in.
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