How to find inner peace?

in #philosophy7 years ago

Daily stress, anxiety and fears, constant problems, depression, feeling of emptiness. This list can be continued for a long time. All these ailments haunt the modern man of the civilized world. Certainly, every person experienced these feelings, and the period of pessimism did not pass by, there is only a question of duration.

So, the question that lies on the surface "how to find inner peace?" Many people ask themselves a similar question sooner or later, but can not find no advice or recommendations. In this article you will find the most effective tips, it remains only to apply them in practice, and it depends on you.

  1. Mental silence. How is that possible? After all, my head is constantly spinning, different thoughts and difficult to cope with. So, you need to think about something good that isn't aimed at your work, family, or any problems. Imagine a beautiful beach, surf noise, sunset, smile and do it more often.

  2. Gratitude. Learn to Express your gratitude. Often thank other people for all the good that they have done for you, for the negative that taught you something and you have gained experience. Thank God for everything you have now and do it sincerely.

  3. Intuition. Listen to your inner voice, follow your heart. Intuition can not deceive you and your heart knows better what you need. The decision made by the heart and thought out by the mind is the most correct one.

  4. The world through different eyes. Look at the world differently. The people around you and the things you care about. Maybe not everything is so bad, because more often people for constant problems do not notice their happiness, which is nearby.

  5. Meditations. Make it a rule to meditate every day. It is proved that regular meditation will save you not only from anxiety and excitement, but also help to find inner peace.

  6. It will pass. Remember the situation that was a few years ago, when you are very worried and thought that you will never survive. What now? It's gone, hasn't it? Here, note that all passes passes, and don't forget, a good pass, too. Therefore, appreciate all the positive moments and life in General.

  7. Live easier. Direct your energy in the right direction. To do this, you need to learn to live easier, and specifically to relate easier to all life manifestations, actions of other people. Don't take anything painful that doesn't happen the way you expected. Just accept the situation and move on.

  8. Smile. "From the smile will brighten all...". Do you remember this children's song? So often smile to myself in the mirror, relatives, colleagues and even strangers. Radiate joy, and happiness will be in your life more.

  9. Don't leave things for later. Make it a rule to bring everything started to the end. Make a habit of not delaying things for tomorrow. If you can't do it yourself, you don't have the time or the opportunity, you have to give it to another person. Unfinished business generates only anxiety and fear, and not contribute to the acquisition of inner peace.

  10. Don't cheat. Yes, that's right, never change yourself and your principles. Love and respect yourself and do not let anyone treat yourself as you would not like.

  11. Hereby. Remember that there is only the present. Do not live in the past, it will not change, do not live in the future, it has not yet come. Thinking constantly about the future or the past, you miss beautiful moments of the present, and tomorrow today will be yesterday.

  12. Excitement. Stop worrying and harass yourself with questions "what if", " what if?", "what could happen?" Nothing has happened yet, and you are already spending your energy on finding answers and solutions. Better direct your energy and attention to achieving goals.

  13. Health. Do not forget about your health and love your body, take care of it and go to the doctors on time. Peace of mind and physical health are very closely related.

  14. Wisdom. In the modern world, insomnia is a frequent problem. This all happens because the person is loaded with problems that do not allow him to sleep. If this has affected you, then remember the proverb that the morning of the evening wiser. Maybe in the morning you will be able to make the right decision.

  15. Don't say much. Don't say anything unless it's a nice quiet thing. If you doubt whether to say something, then speak only on three occasions. If it is necessary, if it is true and if it is good and positive words.

  16. Give up the television. If you can't live without a news release or broadcast, watch it and turn off the TV. Avoid information and emotional overload. It is better to read your favorite book with a Cup of tea.

  17. Fantasize. Draw your own life and add a lot of bright colors to it. Learn to dream and dream.

  18. Do not disperse attention. Never try to do multiple things at the same time. For example, first take one project, do everything you need to accurately and accurately, then proceed to the preparation of the report. You do not need to try to do everything in time, in the end you will lose only more time, besides, and the quality will suffer.

  19. Balance. The most important thing in life balance, but rather in all its areas. This applies to work, family, hobby, social life. For example, do not pay more attention to work than family or Vice versa. This will disrupt the balance of life and inner peace and come again stress and problems.

  20. Not hurry. No need to try everywhere and do everything. Remember the proverb that says that the quieter you go, the farther you will be. So you move in small steps on the way to your global goal.

  21. «No.» Learn to say no, no matter the situation. If you do not learn to deny people that you do not give pleasure or you do not have time for this, then your life will suffer from this. You will not be able to concentrate on the things that are really important to you, doing someone else's errand just because you could not refuse.

  22. Difficult, means the very first. If you make lists, then at the beginning of the list put difficult tasks and try to perform them at the beginning of the day. And if you still do not know about the planning system, then start to learn and apply in practice.

  23. Don't serve money. Money is good, but you can't dwell on it. Do not make money the meaning of your life, and make them serve you.

So that's 23 advice on how to find inner peace, therefore, to improve your life. Follow these tips, and the feeling of happiness and joy will be for you not so alien, and family and daily.

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