How to become financially independent?

in #philosophy7 years ago

Life today is arranged in such a way that along with love, family, health is monetary well-being. If earlier it was not so acute, today more and more people are thinking about financial freedom , which will make them more independent from the monetary bustle.

Regarding this topic, many books and articles are written, information is becoming more and more, and people are not just going to financial independence, and make this a goal, some even without knowing it. What is financial freedom and wealth in its manifestation, after all? Let's see more…

Wealth and financial freedom.

Imagine, for a moment, that you are the person who is unrealistically rich, who no longer thinks about money and does not work for money, does not keep home accounting, does not calculate costs and income, no longer need to plan purchases and save money for them, because you can easily buy it all today. How? You are now, for sure, smiled, you felt pleased, and you felt inner satisfaction.

But if you dig deeper, you can stumble upon a stone. This stone is that such a person gets used to live and quickly enough, therefore, becomes a hostage of material goods and those things that he can afford thanks to money. How can addiction be called financial freedom? At least-it is not logical.

To understand how you are financially independent, you need to determine the level of financial freedom, which is directly proportional to your ability to manage your finances. If you carelessly spend money and do not think about where you spent it, and in what amount it is not freedom, but the same dependence, which was mentioned above.

So, you become financially dependent when the money starts to control you. Therefore, financial freedom implies the ability to use Finance rationally, as well as knowledge of such tools as financial planning, distribution of income and expenses, saving money, financial discipline. (See para.How to save money wisely)

As the argument of wealth and financial freedom shows, these two concepts cannot be equated. However, one thing does not prevent to be rich and financially independent is also real and excellent.

As it turned out, earning a lot or more money, increasing your earnings, discovering additional sources of income, is a normal desire that will lead you to wealth and a wealthy life.

But in order to become a financially free person, not to depend on money and to perceive money not as a goal, but as a means to achieve goals , you need to work on yourself and your skills.

A few tips on how to become a financially independent and successful person:

  1. Constantly improve. Work on yourself, read books, learn foreign languages, study science;

  2. Study separately the topic of Finance. This is quite an interesting science-the science of money. Learn to count money correctly, plan your income, write down your expenses in the report, approach this process not as seriously as creatively.

  3. Do not become a slave of money. Remember, as soon as you feel like you're getting addicted to money, stop it right in the Bud. For example, it is necessary to go out of town and be alone with nature, in a place where there is no temptation to spend a lot of money.

  4. Charity. Help the elderly, children, our younger brothers.

  5. Learn to enjoy life's little things. Maybe it will be a butterfly perched on the hand, maybe the sun is brighter today, look at the people who are close to you and do not forget to hug them more often and remind them of how much you love them. Do not turn into a robot, which laid the program to increase income and where the code word is money.

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I think the key to financial freedom is residual or passive income sufficient to meet your basic needs. If you do not need to get out of bed every morning to go to work so you do not starve or lose your house then you own each day. It took a long time for me to get there because of divorce. Something else I would add to the above is do not marry someone who does not share your financial goals. They will lay waste to all your earnings while you attempt to gain independence. Once you get that first rent house or small business started, it will grow itself as long as you nurture it. It may move slow in the beginning but once you have momentum it will take on a life of its own. Good luck everybody.

thank you for the motivation sir

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