PSA To All 3rd Wave Feminist Women

in #philosophy8 years ago

Hey ladies, you know what would make 3rd Wave Feminism useful? Maybe you could actually try focusing on the genuine rape culture coming out of Sub Sharan African and the Middle East. If I recall correctly, when 60 Minutes correspondent Laura Logan got sent to Egypt to cover the Arab Spring, she was gang raped by a horde of Muslims practicing Sharia. It would seem that perhaps there are bigger fish for feminism to fry elsewhere in the world at the moment. I don't know, genital mutilation and women being treated as second class citizens may be bigger existential threats to women's rights and NOT the West where women are pampered and comfortable beyond belief. Comfortable enough to sit in the cozy, air conditioned offices that MEN built so that you can take a slow steaming dump all over men as a whole. Now you don't have to listen to my advice but I would highly recommend it, that is of course if you bitches even care about women's rights at all. If not, by all means continue complaining about the "rape" culture in the U.S. and teaching Western men not to rape as if we need any kind of formal instruction.
Maybe it's also time to start showing a smidgen of gratitude. Last I checked it was WESTERN men that fought along side women for their Suffrage. Western men are also responsible for the scientific method, freedom of association, Capitalism, the Protestant work ethic, freedom of religion which is pretty major, freedom of speech, and all the other wonderful rights and freedoms that so many take for granted today. If there are not men to guard the gates, you may find that Muslim invaders who are not particularly sympathetic to Western values, especially women's rights, will be flooding into your countries. And of course you are most likely going to go running to Western men to make the scary men go away. In order for that to happen, you damn well better start being grateful for all that men sacrifice and do. Or better yet we could avoid the situation all together and once again regain control of the borders of our countries.
The simple reality is that you cannot have a Welfare state and unfettered immigration from the 3rd World at the same time without assimilation. The sub 70 IQ populations will simply inundate the social safety net of the countries they migrate to in the pursuit of "free" stuff. The men, who are the ones that bear most of the burden of taxes are going to be the ones paying for these free loaders and are going to have to forgo their retirements and benefits that they have been working their whole lives building up in order to appease your moral conscious for all of five seconds. Doesn't sound like a fair tradeoff for the men who give up quite a bit in order to have a family wouldn't you say? After all its women who control access to the precious scarce eggs, male sperm is much more numerous and therefore expendable. This is the reason why men are registered for the Draft and why women are not required by law to do so.
I would love to see you try and whinge about the horribly oppressive patriarchy to Jihadists. Let me know how that works out for you. So TL;DR PSA to all 3rd feminist women: If you tell men that they are nothing more than patriarchal rapists and treat them like punching bags for your bitchy rants, the genuine rapists and patriarchs will show up and have their way with you. I don't think you want this to happen, so I believe an apology is in order. I and most other man eagerly await your sincerest apologies for treating us like shit and your promise to improve your behavior in the future. #TheWestIsTheBest