Facing battles you are not meant too

in #philosophy8 years ago

I've missed out on a couple days of posting. To admit what's been going on isn't fully my story to share. What I can say is in the last 5 years I have known this person, I have learned so much. Mostly, it has taught me about myself and the history I've uncovered never knowing it would generate my future in the ways it has.

Every person even in brief moments of time have a connection to you. It is something I firmly believe. I go as far to say that at times I believe traffic jams are more than the science and reality of too many cars in an over crowded freeway. Traffic jams are the warning sign that we need to get the "F" out of our cars and talk to the human next to us in the ways before. We are all heading in the same direction, for what reason and why? But we are stuck - is there or ought there be more to the explanation?

At times this person has represented and been a major road block in my life. They are not one person as they mirror another I had as a younger child. But they cohesively have similarities, ones that seem to be congruent through out my life.

Other times, that road block was salvation and others they helped me get over another.

As I am trying to wrap up this post as work calls me back I feel the need to say much more but know it's best to keep it simple.

No matter what circumstances exist in your life, you will face something by defined rules you are not meant to - and meaning is always vague. Understand that somewhere out there, there is a reason but you get to choose the reason. When choosing your reason make it in light and not darkness.


You either win or you learn. Thank you for sharing your story

Perfect explanation of it all! Thank you as well for reading and connecting to me. <3