Day 6 of 30 Days, 30 Posts - Sex

All of creation expresses itself sexually through gender, polarity, or duality. But it must be remembered that both heads (thesis) and tails (antithesis) are merely the two faces of a single unit (synthesis). Yet without this contrast, exchange, and differentiation between likeness and difference, consciousness would remain unconscious. And so the primordial androgyne was apparently separated or removed from itself to create "the sense of" otherness.
What, you thought this article was going to be a raunchy tale of eroticism?! All of life is a raunchy, never-ending tale/tail of eroticism. Men are dogs and they're always chasing tail (pussy-cats), aren't they? All is sex. Life is in a constant, intimate, romantic, miraculous, sexual relationship with itself.
If life is "heads", then death is "tails". Inhale, exhale—the old "in and out". The orgasm (aka the big bang) is known as the little death, because sex (or death) is a re-production of life. We've heard it again and again (and again and again...uh...): Energy never dies, it only transforms. Production, corruption, and reproduction. Death is the renewal of life.
Whatever is born of the flesh will perish, because the body is the container of the uncontainable. Whenever the two opposites (hot and cold, light and dark, male and female, us and them, positive and negative, et cetera) "come together" (coniunctio), something new is always conceived. A fictional example might be the Gemino Curse in Harry Potter by JK Rowling.
The heroic trio (Mercury (Harry), Sulphur (Ron), and Salt (Hermione)) enter a shadowy vault to retrieve the golden treasure (forbidden fruit, seed, essence). This treasure is a cup that, when touched, burns and multiplies. It multiplies to such a degree that the original is rendered unrecognizable, threatening to crush and bury the magicians alive.
The treasure is the psycho-spiritual germ (Hebrew Nun נ) within the cup, which multiplies upon putrefaction. The vault represents both the subconscious storehouse and the womb of matter. The cup represents the imagination and the multiplication (reproduction) of mental images therein. The touch that burns symbolizes the sexual union of the subjective and objective modes of consciousness. This conjunction gives birth to Christ consciousness, or communion with the Cosmic Mind. That, however, is a simplified interpretation. The layers of meaning and depth are as multiplicitous as the Gemino Curse itself.

Gemino is a reference to Gemini, which means twins. This, again, is a reference to duality and opposition. In tarot, Gemini is assigned to 6th Key, The Lovers. The woman represents the subjective mind as well as substance (Salt), or matter. Behind her we see the serpent of temptation (symbolic of kundalini, vital soul, the creative impulse) and the tree of knowledge of good and evil (duality and polarity). The man represents the objective mind (Sulphur). Behind him we see the tree of life (symbolic of the central nervous system). The 12 tri-fold flames represent the 12 signs of the Zodiac and the 36 decanates.
The "Mountain Between Us" symbolizes the promise of attainment, and the new conception as a result of their harmonious coming together. The angel above is the True Man (the Christ consciousness, Mercury) which is internally guiding them into a cooperative union. Cosmic consciousness can only make itself known to the objective mind through the subjective mind and imagination. Therefore, the man looks to the woman for this inner direction.
This concludes today's article of 30 Days, 30 posts challenge. Tomorrow's article will feature the topic of Villain. Yesterday's article was on Desire.