Day 10 of 30 Days, 30 Posts - Transparency

To be transparent is to be naked, exposed, open, and vulnerable. A perfectly transparent glass may appear empty even when it's full. And to be come transparent, one must empty themselves of all that might cloud such clarity. A person with transparent motives typically makes no attempts to hide or conceal them. The same can be said between lovers who practice authenticity and transparency, even in the face of discomfort. While transparency might suggest invisibility, they see each other perfectly.
Loyalty, honesty, trust, and faithfulness are the key words that open us up to total transparency. This is applicable in all situations. But it doesn't necessarily mean the the path will be smooth. Like water-courses, transparen-seas aren't without their downfalls. Total transparency requires courage, patience, and emotional intelligence. There's also no guarantee that, even if one is totally transparent, they'll be understood or accepted. While our intentions may be made clear, others may not be as willing to wear their hearts on their sleeves. Into-Me-I-See terrifies those most that don't actually know themselves.
An uncluttered mind, like water, takes the shape of whatever it focuses on. Truth can only be glimpsed through a transparent receptacle—one not colored by emotion or influenced by personal bias. Without distraction, interference, or distrotion, a transparent channel embodies and expresses the abstract truth.
I See Your True Colors Shining Through
When you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to hold onto. You're not weighed down for any reason. You've lightened your load and are as light as a feather. You receive and shine through the anchoring of that enlightenment. Following the emptying of your cup, you turn around to raise your glass to be refilled. Stealing fire from the gods in heaven, you bury those sparks in the basement of your mind. Left unattended, love has space to grow, nurtured actually in the absence of nurturing. Those ember seeds blossom and rise again, having multiplied and been strengthened in their struggle to flourish.

So, as it turns out, The Magician does have a few a few tricks up his sleeve, even though he wears his passions on it. This is only so he is able to see through the looking glass not darkly. The Magician may be considered to be an illusionist, but only because he, himself, sees through them. He sees things as they are rather than as they appear to be. Because he sees through all veils, he is able to manifest what seems to be miracles and magic to rest of the world. The spectacles produced may be a mirage, ghostly apparitions, but his magic is very real.
Magician's often perform vanishing acts, becoming transparent before our eyes. The Transparent Jewel resides in all of us, but only a chosen few have opened their eye to see it. To see with True Sight. We're all magicians and masters of illusion, even if we're hiding this fact from ourselves in a cloak of invisibility.
This concludes today's article for my 30 Days, 30 Posts challenge. Tomorrow's topic of discussion is Memories. Yesterday's article was on Inversion.
Great writing you have. A glass of transparency got reflected in a perfect ways.
Thank you!