Prepare yourself for death

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Most people plan their travel trips in detail. As soon as they have choosen their destination, they start to find out about local special features like food, attractions, weather and walking trails or the like. What kind of clothes do I need? How much tip I have to pay? What is importnant for me to know?

But it seems like we don't prepare ourselfs for the most important trip, the death.

And one thing is dead certain: We will die.


Why most people don't prepare themselfs for death?

Beacause of fear. The fear of death is the reason why people are repressing death instead of dealing with it and occupy themselfs with the deeper meaning of death. The sooner we occupy ourself with the fact that we have to leave our bodys one day, the soner we can let go of worries and fears. That way we get knowledge and some kind of safety, wich gives us the opportunity to stay calm even in the moment of death. Moreover: We enter our full force and stand for the life that we originally voted for.

At the latest in the deathbed, the fear, which has been successfully suppressed years before, comes back like a boomerang to one. The uncertainty about what follows after the last breath evokes an immense fear, which can no longer be suppressed or controlled. One looks back at his life in panic and regrets decisions. But above all, one regrets things that have not been done.

Now the good news

Everything consists of energy. You, me, the chair on which you are sitting and even the thoughts that you have. Energy can not dissolve in air, energy can not desappear. But what energy can do is change its form. Death is a human construct. It does not exist.


Your body is inhabited

Your body is like your mind in the first place a tool. But something has to inhabit your body and fill it with energy. A hammer does not hit a nail in the wall by itself. This also requires energy that you provide with your hand and will power. We also need to distinguish a car from the driver. This means that only the connection between body and soul can make our life as humans on this planet possible.

The opposite of death is not life, but the birth. Strangely enough, the birth of a person is celebrated while people mourning when someone dies. Instead of wishing a good trip and looking forward to him or her.

What is the reality?


Reality is not what you can see, taste, smell, hear or feel. In fact, with our five senses, we perceive only a very tiny fraction of reality. Only when we think of magnetic fields, radiowaves, photons or atoms we realize very quickly that we can not perceive and understand the full reality rationally. The reality is like a huge puzzle that stretches across the entire universe, from which we hold only a single puzzle piece in our hands and try to see the entire picture convulsively.

„The more I know, the more I know that I know nothing”

How we lose ourselfs

We are already coming up with certain performances and installations, which in most cases do not coincide with those of our parents, even if we are not aware of this. We are influenced by the day-care center, school, society, the media and our environment, gradually forgetting who we are and what our real tasks are in this life. The higher ego, or "self", is superimposed with the desires and expectations of other people so that we are no longer able to shape our lives freely and independently, or unfold our potential freely. This leads us to live a life after pre-made patterns. Instead oletting our inner compass to show us the way, we meet the expectations of other people, because we hope for support, praise and recognition.

What we can do

The solution is to find oneself by recognizing oneself. What you have lost can be found again. And once you know who you are, your inner compass will lead you to your destiny.


Have faith in you and life. And I promise you: You will not be disappointed.

Thank you very much for your time

Yours truly Babak


It´s a brilliant article !!!🥇 i´m with you!!

Thank you very much 😊