The Secret Mistakes

in #philosophy7 years ago

I have been through the material portrayed in the motivational material associate with 'The Secret' and 'Moses Code' and feel motivated to make the following observations.

The books "The Secret" and "The Moses Code", along with the New Thought Movement and New Age in general, make a number of assertions which are essentially taken from the Bible and presented out of context with the intent of the author, Jesus/Johavah/Yeshua, as depicted in the full reading.

A primary assertion is that the scripture found in Mat 21:22 promises that anything one wishes and prays for with belief in the promise, will receive the desired gift.


Matt 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. (KJV)

This is closely associated with

James 1:5 5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

These assertions are indeed correct in terms of the intent of the author, so long as they are taken in the context of the complete message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, yet are seriously misrepresented in the books and thinking under discussion.

The idea portrayed in The Moses Code, is that when Jehovah instructed Moses to tell Phaero 'I AM THAT I AM sent me', Jehovah meant that he is all things and that we are too, and further, that this means that we are divine as He is and if we speak and think in this way, then our thoughts and words have the power to manifest or create whatever we choose since our understanding of our true identity and divinity is the magic formula for success and that the power is therefore entirely in our hands if we use the magic concepts.


By Hajor - Own work, Hajor., CC BY-SA 3.0,

The claim is that we need to change our thinking and indoctrinate our subconscious minds into accepting and projecting these principles and that this will unleash the power we have within us.

These ideas are also seen in a measure in the poem by William E. Henley

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance,
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

and here is a retort from Orson F. Witney an Apostle of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Art thou in truth? Then what of him
Who bought thee with his blood?
Who plunged into devouring seas
And snatched thee from the flood?
Who bore for all our fallen race
What none but him could bear.
The God who died that man might live,
And endless glory share?
Of what avail thy vaunted strength,
Apart from his vast might?
Pray that his Light may pierce the gloom,
That thou mayest see aright.
Men are as bubbles on the wave,
As leaves upon the tree.
Thou, captain of thy soul, forsooth
Who gave that place to thee?
Free will is thine — free agency
To wield for right or wrong;
But thou must answer unto him
To whom all souls belong.
Bend to the dust that head "unbowed,"
Small part of Life's great whole!
And see in him, and him alone,
The Captain of thy soul.

This response sheds some light on the missing ingredients in the poem and the works alluded to.


Returning to meaning in James and Matthew, James says in

James 4:3 "Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss"

We also find the use of the NKJV rendition of

Phillipians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Whilst the KJV reads

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

This is an example of how scripture is corrupted by false prophets, that is, translators who are not commissioned of God, do not have the understanding or the inspiration in the work and therefore twist the words through simple means into an entirely different meaning.

The former implies the Christ strengthens me and I can thereby accomplish my objective whereas the latter that Christ rewards only those prayers which will strengthen the individual. By strengthen, Jesus means, improve our standing in the pursuance of God's work, which is to preach the Gospel and perfect the saints.

So while it is true that we are all one, and one with God, we divorce ourselves from all which is good, by choosing selfish options, which means any options which are out of accord with the will of our Heavenly Father,

" Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."

While it is true that the Bible says the Kingdom of Heaven is within us, so is the Kingdom of Hell. Hell is a degree of separation from God, His presence, His influence, from divine power in ourselves and from the joys which accompany these things. It is our choice to live the will of God and thereby live the heavenly life or to choose to do the will of any other, which will cause us to live a degree of Hell.

For Man to regard himself as God, in the sense that he is free to follow his own will, create his own heaven and his own power, rather than realise that he, as a child of and offspring of God, can through seeking to exercise his agency to magnify the will of Him who knows what is good for all and thereby receive the power and share in the glory which will be afforded the Saviour who said that we would be heirs with Him to all the Father has, is just about the biggest error Man can make.

Do not be fooled by these notions which mix the wonder of God's love with the ego of Man's lusts, to result in a ladder which leans against the wrong wall and will lead us to damnation.

Remember that Jesus said, in Matt

Matt 7:22-23

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

This means the there will be many who have sufficient faith and power to perform these wonders, in the name of Jesus Christ, believing they are saved and are amazed at His rejection of them and His declaration that they are iniquitous.

Original content, Wikipedia, Pixabay


Religion is a lie. A tool of control. Unlearn what you've learnt. Explore the depths of yourself. You're more than a dust in a shed of some alien shelf.

Thanks for your perspective! Keep it on!

Religion is a bunch of BS


Yeah, I thought so too, for many years, but that was 2 of your lifetimes ago.

Having done Atheism and the science, the biology, the cosmology, the theoretical physics, Humanism and Trans-humanism, and having put some serious effort into circumspect religious investigation, I can say with certainty, that from a scientific and empirical standpoint, I believe Atheism and what it is based on, requires far more imaginative scenarios and assumptions and is far more prolifically proven wrong, by it's own admission than Theism and the evidence for Theism outstrips Atheism by multiples.

Theistic tenets in fact are proving correct, the more we discover through empirical scientific investigation, while the scientific community actually asserts that the majority of its 'knowledge ' will be outdated and proven false within a relatively short time, as it has been at a geometrically increasing rate over the past half century at least.

A major problem with Atheism appears to be closed mind thinking, which is exactly what Atheism claims about Theism.

Well I am certain that many closed minded Theist suddenly realise the folly of their perceptions and turned to Atheism without due diligence.

I believe I have been diligent in my investigation and never turn down an opportunity to learn from like Theists, opposing Theists, Atheists and Agnostics. MiIlitant Atheists are another story and while they are the most important to reason with, I find them the most unreasonable.

What I believe is that we're all Gods experiencing themselves.


I wonder if many readers fully appreciate the truths in this post? I especially enjoyed your opinion of the "original sin" reply. How Adam and Eve were given what could seem to be conflicting commandments. Be fruitful and multiply would not have been possible UNLESS they had eaten of the fruit...
This is all part of an Eternal plan and nothing is by accident....Thanks @graviton

Religion is not garbage - its codified truth. Somebody had a wonderful idea, wonderful insight, and then scripture, process, and crud was attached to it over the centuries. The central difficulty that I have with the perspective of Christianity is that the worth of the soul is always innately zero. Only through the sacrifice of an external god is the soul redeemed and given value. Here's the problem: That system was set up by the Christian God, a system where we were doomed to fail. In swoops the Son of God to save everybody, but demands complete dedications in return. Its an abysmal story, and demands skepticism about the omniscience of this so called Creater the Bible/Torah espouses.

Ah but the perspective of Christianity as you see it may not value the soul but true Christianity values the soul above all else. True Christianity never sees us as doomed to failure but as gods in embryo. Any and all failure is brought about by our own choices, and where things seem unfair, you simply don't have the whole story yet and when you have it will become apparent that all things are in order.

If you have three sons and one makes an array of choices which lead him to destitution of mind body and soul while the other two choose wisely and prosper, you love them all, you try your best to help the needy and you applaud good choices and there fruit. The extent to which each is a success or failure is up to them. And so it is with our Heavenly Father, who loves us more, understands us better and assists to the hilt.

The Christianity you speak of does indeed demand skepticism, but then so should everything. Paul instructs us to try all things, whether they are of God and to embrace only that which is. The search for truth was not meant to be as meant would

So this "True Christianity" you speak of rejects the concept of Original Sin?

It does indeed.

God gave Adam and Eve two great commandments : Go forth and multiply and replenish the Earth being the the first and foremost and Partake not of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

This second commandment is really more of a notification of the impact which an understanding of the consequences of an incomplete knowledge of good and evil will have on the status of Man's sanctity. Since no sinful entity can abide the full presence of God, once Man has partaken of the 'fruit', God would have to leave Him to Himself and send the Holy Spirit to guide Him as He, God, could no longer walk and talk with Him in the Garden. The sinful state would separate Man from God for the full term of schooling, followed by the sanctification the Redeemer would provide through Self sacrifice, which would balance the scales of justice which demand an eye for an eye.

In order for Man to progress, from the Pure Spirit being which He had been to date,( i.e. before taking up residence in the body, which in His case, Adam and Eve, was not yet mortal) to the being He would be after His foreordained sojourn in the school of mortality, in which he would learn to walk by faith and to subdue the physical body to the will of a righteous spirit, He would indeed have to go through the development of a knowledge of the consequences of good and evil and thereby become sinful in order to exercise His agency and choose the path which would lead Him to a fully qualified status as a Righteous Son and Daughter (the two shall be one flesh) of His Heavenly Father.

The School of Mortality could not be inaugurated until the second commandment was 'broken', until the fall, and the first commandment could not be obeyed until the second was broken and reproduction was possible.

The breaking of the second commandment was not a sin (willfully transgressing God's command) but merely a transgression, performed without a knowledge of the consequences of good and evil.

The breaking of the second commandment was indeed an integral part of the program by which Man may progress toward his foreordained status as a fully fledged Son of God.

Original Sin is one of the most important corruptions and a sound understanding of the true doctrine really is necessary to grasp the full Gospel.

A thorough response, and an interesting departure from traditional (corrupted to use your phrase) theology. This is one of the most interesting discussions of faith I've had in some time. Is this Gnostic thinking?

A followup Question, one in which I'm going to ask you to ponder to mind of the Creator: Why would God make the second commandment given he's omniscient, knowing full well it wouldn't/couldn't be kept?


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Toda religión es en si misma una mentira, un error o en el mas optimista de los casos una mala interpretación de lo que se profesa o cree, todas las religiones repito, esto incluye el cristianismo como se conoce hoy en día, yo soy cristiano pero no porque pertenezca a tal congregación, iglesia o grupo religioso, sino mas bien por mi criterio y forma de pensar, en conclusión cualquiera que se crea cristiano lea la biblia o al menos el nuevo testamento antes de creer en las suposiciones, teorías y mentiras de otros ya sean creyentes o ateistas, esta claro que ambas posturas son contradictorias en si mismas y están mal fundamentadas.

Ya que el cristianismo ha sido corrompido por los poderes que han tenido el control de ello durante dos últimos millenia, lo que sería requerido corregirlo sería otra interpretación de la doctrina original de modo que todo el error pudiera ser evitado.

Bien el Señor hizo exactamente que cuando Él proveyó por la tribu elegida de Joseph, que juntaría Israel (aquellos que han elegido el Jehova/Jesús) en los días anteriores según Deut 33, 'el Palo de Joseph' sobre el cual podemos leer en Ezek 37 que nos dice como los dos palos se harán un y acompañarán el Milenio en.

Lea 'el Palo de Joseph' y ver si no llena todos los huecos, corrige toda la falsedad y restablece la doctrina sana que fue dada al principio.

Espero que mi español sea correcto o al menos comprensible.

Muchas gracias por su contribución y para leer esta respuesta.

Well researched , well written, Great Post! Thank You.

When you have been brought back from the edge of the Great Beyond, as have I , you tend to no longer doubt!

superb, thanks, too few understand that there is much more to the intellect that what "Empiricism" can deliver. As you say, the adherents of Empiricism are far too dogmatic and close-minded, they actually betray the tenets of their code of learning. Quite ironic

This post received a 1.6% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @graviton! To learn more, check out @randowhale 101 - Everything You Need to Know!

A very interesting point of view, thank you I found your post very interesting.

Thank you. My favourite subject. I used to be an Atheist but could not maintain the required level of faith :)

Very true indeed. Denying something is first an acknowledgment that something exists. How could we deny nothing when it's nothing. There must be a subject or something that must exist. Thus, Atheist is simply denying God's existence but first they know that God exists.

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