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RE: Freedom: Not in my lifetime

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

"La capacidad de asumir la responsabilidad de las acciones de uno ahora" es lo que Usted llama libertad, y creo que ese concepto nos aleja de entender la libertad como algo que nos permite actuar sin limites de ninguna naturaleza, precisamente coincido en que la libertad es, muy por el contrario, asumir los limites de mi actuar con conciencia. Ya el problema de los controles institucionales y de macro organizaciones es otra cosa. La lucha seria por entender la maxima de que "Ningun humano debe hacer daño a otro humano", y si lograramos entender a Gandhi, quizas comprenderiamos la importancia del respeto de la vida, en general.
("The ability to take responsibility for one's actions now" is what you call freedom, and I think that concept takes us away from understanding freedom as something that allows us to act without limits of any nature, I agree that freedom it is, on the contrary, to assume my limits of my acting with conscience. The problem of institutional controls and macro organizations is another matter. The struggle would be to understand the maxim that "No human should harm another human", and if we managed to understand Gandhi, perhaps we would understand the importance of respecting life, in general.)


The problem of institutional controls and macro organizations is another matter. The struggle would be to understand the maxim that "No human should harm another human", and if we managed to understand Gandhi, perhaps we would understand the importance of respecting life, in genera
