You're an acorn...I am too.
I hold to the belief that we are all like acorns. Obviously I don't mean we are literally acorns of course just that each person on this planet has the ability to be more than they appear to be. An acorn, if nurtured, will inevitably become an oak tree, strong and dependable however only if given the opportunity to do so, nutrients, sunlight, support when young and fragile and of course time.

We all have the ability to grow and develop into more than we are, to rise above our lot in life, our environment or current circumstance or situation just like the acorn does. But many don't. They settle. They make excuses, justify their current state or simply refuse to push. Of course, many people are happy with their existence, don't seek additional comfort or money and are happy simply to exist. Nothing wrong with that at all and in fact I often seek the simple life myself finding a sense of satisfaction in a more uncomplicated existence. But being an oak tree [read: The best you that you can be] isn't just about work, career or profession. It's about every aspect of life.
I thought about all of this today because I saw someone be, quite probably, the worst version of themselves that they could possibly be. It was a person who should know better, a person in a senior role who should be setting an example to others not denigrating, abusing, disrespecting and deflating them. It made me think about the choices people make in life and the implications of those choices.
I talk a lot about a few concepts a lot, not so much on this fake and superficial platform, but in real life where it really counts. Ownership, responsibility, discipline, humility, generosity, activity, action, kindness, manners, chivalry, courtesy, care, honesty, intensity, passion, work-rate, respect, fortitude...Just words really, until applied and then they become powerful tools which can take a person from where they are to where the want to be. These are real things tangible, not just words on a Facebook post, or steemit for that matter. They make a difference to people's lives.
Inside all of us is a massive oak tree just waiting to grow, sturdy and tall. Soil, nutrients, water and sunlight won't make it sprout and grow, but the application of some, or all, of the words above just might.
[- Design and create your ideal life, don’t live it by default -]
I'm right there with you.
Now you've lost me.
There is a lot of potential in each of us. And we like seeing stories of people overcoming the odds and succeeding despite the obstacles that they face. We can do that as well, and your list of words are good ones for determining if we'll be able to change our position.
Its easy to be mediocre and so many do so. In fact many aspire to be.
Recently I found out that you can eat acorns. Apparently they were an important food source for native Americans. So, I read the title as "We are all acorns, we have a lot more potential than most would think." :P Personally I'd rather be an oak than be ground onto acorn flour though.
I didnt know one could eat them. Wonder what acorn flour bread tastes like.
I've heard acorn pancakes taste pretty normal. When October roles around I might let you know :)
So, so, so true!
Great post!! While we all have our bad days and our good days, we need to actively try to have more good days than bad. And to know ourselves well enough that if we're having a "really bad" day, to be able to collect ourselves in a way that doesn't outwardly put you in a position where you become "out of character".
Yep, so nicely put!
You got a 35.32% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @galenkp!
Be the best version of the oak tree you're supposed to be. Very nice analogy mate. I also am happy with less, but would like to have more so I could help others in the same position more. Oaks are gracious aren't they.