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RE: Do We All Have Three Faces?

in #philosophy8 years ago

While some things will always be kept in the privacy of one's own mind, I think it is a noble goal to try one's best to only have one face. I've actually paid a fair amount of attention to this over the past couple of years, to be mindful of when I feel that I am not speaking with someone's "inner face" but only interacting with their outer face. It is very common, indeed very human, but it's not the conversation that I want to have. Bringing my inner face to the surface has also made me a whole lot more relaxed. I speak my mind and do not spend energy and effort thinking of how it needs to be filtered for the outside world to accept it. If they like it, good. If not, too bad. Surely I may have turned off some people to whom I've been perhaps a little too direct with what I think and what I believe. For the rest, however, I've found that it helps enhance and deepen the relationship with the person. And in the end, it is the number of good relationships that are worth counting in the end.


WOW!!!! Well said man, well said!!! I totally agree with every single word. Especially the part where you said that it makes you more relaxed when you bring out the inner face to the surface as you don't have to spend energy thinking. Wow.

Someone said when you do not lie you do not have to remember anything. I think you hit on it with keeping that true self out in the light but in can only come out once you have integrated your shadow self as Jung would say. And you seem to have done that. Otherwise to deny it, it would only fester and grow. Well said.