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RE: Slavery: What exactly is it?

in #philosophy7 years ago

Slavery is involuntary servitude.
If a legal choice exists then it's not involuntary.
The choice might not be comfortable...perhaps pulling up stakes and leaving.
(The most fundamental freedom is to be able to take a long walk at will, by the way.)

Just leave..

Start over somewhere else.

If you can do that it's not slavery.


The choice might not be comfortable...perhaps pulling up stakes and leaving.

Leave to where? That is the challenge. It seems planet wide at the moment.

If you can do that it's not slavery.

Yeah that indeed would fit the classic definition. Yet, what if the master could get what they want regardless of where you walk? ;)

Doesn't matter.
The definition means you can GO.
It say nothing about the where you can go TO.
If there is no slavery..there are no Masters..
so that question is moot.
Think out of the box
...77% of the surface of the planet is uninhabited.
We only live in the first few hundred feet of the lower atmosphere.

I do want to add before we go too far. I actually think you and I see eye to eye on most things. You muted me in the past when I wrote about the prison system, slavery, etc. So there are clearly some things you and I disagree about on these two issues. I am okay with that. So if I frustrate you please don't feel you need to mute me. We have other things I believe we both enjoy talking about. If we cannot really find a point of agreement on this issue then let it go. I'll talk to you about it as long as you like and will actually seriously consider what you say. Yet I also don't want to frustrate you so much on this topic that you mute me. I kind of like talking to you and your perspective. It is different, and often an eye opening thing.

ok...I'll try to be a good boy.

I don't want you to be a good boy, the Ornery attitude is part of your charm.

I just didn't want you to mute me because we have an area we don't always see eye to eye in.

Though in reality I mostly agree with you on this stuff too... just think about some other oddities due to some things I've been exposed to.

Think out of the box

Pretty sure I was. :) You are too, just about different things.