in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)



Like, I understand why people die,

there is a lifespan, a period in which your organs can last, after which they expire. This applies virtually to everything, cars, drugs, batteries, houses, even stars have a lifespan, a date when it would expire, it would no linger function. and in man when these things expire, the eyes, the liver, the kidneys, the heart, the body can no longer sustain life, thus we die.


But I need to understand why it is a bad/dreaded thing to die


I think I understand why people do not want other people to die

Like, I'll miss him, he does this and that for me the space will be vacant, etc its understandable, someones death could cause you sadness, hurt, even tears


But I need to understand why people are afraid of dying

I mean, you won't cry, you won't be hurt, you won't be missing anyone, you can't even feel...you don't even know shit. so how do we explain your own fear of dying.


I need to understand the concept of afterlife

Like why do we even ever think there would be an afterlife??....was there a beforelife??
Like, you were non-existent before being born, why don't we think you will be non-existent after you die

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I need to understand, if there was an afterlife, what will be the point?? to live again?? why die in the first place then

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I think I understand what roles religion plays in death and after life


But I need to understand what role politics, socialization, education etc play

or are we saying religion is the only thing that matter in life??
if being a Christian takes you to heaven and not hell, what does owning a phd do for you compare to an undeducated fellow

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I need to understand why people wish dead people good, pray for them, even spend on them

Like, what is the prayer or spending meant to do, it's like waxing crushed automobile or painting it


I need to understand why people spend all their lives in preparation for death

Like, I need to live right so when I die I can make heaven, I need to achieve so that when I die my name will be remembered, I need to work hard so that when I die my children will be able to live

have you ever had cause to think about death and afterlife, what other questions do you have, share them in the comments

all images sourced here


first time seeing such post on this platform

my question is why do we want to rich in life despite the fact that we know we shall all die

Because people don't live for living, they live for dieing, they want to be known, to leave a legacy, etc

It is appointed once for every man to die...
It is gonna happen.
However, It is sad we are now a society that allows man to decide when that time is, rather than God.
But, If you ever have an experience that only God himself could have made happen...you will know death isn't a bad thing.
Sometimes God does a thing and when he does it changes everything image.

Thank you, I do not understand the image tho

I always think that people believe in afterlife to overcome the fear of dead, because humans are the only ones who knows the certaint of dead.

Quite literally people can not imagine the concept of non-existence. To have the core of your very being erased is a terrifying concept that people find hard to comprehend or live with, faith is a way to deal with the unknowable and to take control of life, so to escape being haunted by the shadow of death.

I totally agree with you.

I think so too, I think its just a way of consoling ourselves, as death is inevitable

You will know at the time of death

Errr.... How do you know this? died before??

You having the knowledge that you will die one day, do these questions pop up in your head?
Why am I given what I have?
Why was I born where I am today?
What am I doing to make this world a better place?

I am a christian and I know after this life there is another, Heaven or Hell and I have to choose wisely.
I hope you find the answers you are looking for.

Thank you Enoch

I'll get back to you on this *-)Screenshot_2018-01-31-13-17-56.png

Lmaoooo..... I'll be here

K, I'm back and had time to digest this topic. At age 67, I feel qualified to speak to this with some credibility and insight. Sorry to say, most have it all wrong and, sadly, miss what life is really all about. It is NOT stressing over what will happen, what we can an achieve, where we are going, or when we will be called there. ALL of those concerns are really in the hands of the One who created you, and the only thing He requires is your attention, love, and trust. Sadly, it takes a lifetime to develope a full appreciation of all that such an allegiance to a loving Creator can yield in you and around you. Simpy put, our life is to be spent walking in His garden and talking with Him (the way we started out on day one).
Trust in the Lord with everything you have, and DO NOT rely on your understanding of events or appearances. In every situation (be it good or ugly), give Him praise and thanks, and He promises to guide and guard you. Proverbs 3:5,6 my paraphrase *-)

Hmmm, this is quite instructive......thank you for taking time and coming back as promised

good inf follow now

Thanks dear

you need to read the bible. no, not what people say about the bible, not religions' and holly wood's distortions of the bible, but the text itself, direct, from God who created all things, to you.

or forever be wondering..

Hmmmm..... alright