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RE: Nature or Natural - A Human Perception

in #philosophy7 years ago

Humans at the atomic level is the same as nature itself. Human is nature. We are intertwined with everything around is even if we choose to reject such ideas. Our action then, almost always directly impact the habitat around us. Global warming is an issue like you mentioned. It is thus up to us to not only cease our destructive behavior but to educated and guide the generations to come to understand their impact on this planet.

@fugetaboutit Loving the way you think!


It is true that as a species we humans are a natural event but our collective action is what makes us so very un-natural to our environment and other species. We collectively choose to remain destructive. Not only to our own environment but also to each other. We are such a peculiar species many opposites we are capable and yet we can be as insane and idiotic as we are damaging and deadly.

The only way to fight such and such is to share and give unconditional love to everyone.

Everybody wants to change the world, nobody wants to change themselves. Thus it is up to us to improve the world by sharing and giving love.

True there is so many negative emotions and motivations, especially from our elected officials who exhibit unchecked greed and selfish ambition. It would take either some massive cultural revolution which crosses global barriers to enact real planetary change. Class, race and ideologies would have to become secondary to a form of universal unity and appeal in order for us as a species to transcend our limitations.