The philosophical consistency of the cause

Author the art @coolxxx
Remember this scheme of the thought you have his base, considering the following example of the science in the universe of the physics, elementary particles exist, like electrons, neutrons and protons, shaping an entire invariable universe of infinite forms of the material world.
it seems to Me opportune to share the following thing:
Sócrates leaves of side the investigation about the nature that had characterized the philosophy from Mileto, gives a lot of importance to methodical questions, as the definition and the induction. It centres also, like says Jenofonte his biographer, in “ The human matters ”. That is to say in anthropological and ethical topics.The astonishment of thinking: the philosophy in the ambience of the humanities for Carlos Rojas Osorio - 2000. Page 66.
Them substantial of enriching the knowledge in the ejerció Sócrates, it was not simple, rather with sense of foundation the method of mayéutica, as stimulus of the evolution of the compression of the thought, the invitos to reflect and to enrich more the content; because phenomena happen our world of diverse magnitudes, to have a clear idea that quite what happens has a cause, taking contribution of our observation of our reality an as as an essential foundation of filling a space in the time and as.