Inverse Capitalism - fairytale or future?
Prologue :
The blockchain concept has proven itself and new developments keep souping up it's usefulness, but the crypto world is still umbellically tethered to the devious system it needs to replace. Where can we go from here?
Previous posts in this series so far

Out of the drawer for today:
Are we on the right road with cryptos?
For the time being, I dare say yes..
But what is the ultimate aim?
Isn't the ultimate aim with blockchain tech and with crypto 'money' that we want to completely break away from corrupt rulership and to do away with corruption and exploitation in general by eliminating the need for trusted but corruptible inbetweeners in all peer to peer transactions?
Are we getting there in a hurry?
Mmmm... I dare say not.
They, the exploiters of our dependence on inbetweeners, still have a golden grip on us. They can still shake the tiny crypto market around like a ragdol and FUD away most of the should be users. They still own most of the critical capital with which to control the masses. And the war machines - and the energy it may take some time yet.
Yes, blockchain and cryptos have proven themselves as reliable tools - which is why I think it is reasonable to conclude that the crypto scene up to now has been an extremely valuable foundation laying experience...and it has drawn a formidable amount of working capital to a lot of right minded people, as it hopefully still will in the foreseeable future. There is very likely to be a major disruption in the financial markets and in the existing monetary world in general shortly, that can result in another large capital flow in the right direction. You can see that by observing the trouble makers pushing for war again...
But will that have the desired result?
Or will it result in a hoard more lambos and another flurry of internecine crypto wars vieing for the top position - and most of the world population still being left desperately poor?
Beyond the current era
The tools have been tested and a solid foundation upon which to build a better future has been laid.
So what now?
Can we really break the bond of slavery?
How can you disempower the fools who cannot think beyond war to fill their coffers when financial troubles loom for them, without resorting to their own violent ways?
How can you empower everybody else to survive decently when their slave masters cannot provide them with jobs anymore?
How can you do this without resorting to totalitarian socialism, which has been proven time and again to result in an unhappy society and not a happy one?
The answer is very simple really..
Ever heard of the Garden of Eden?
In the beginning, we were given the fruits of nature, and together with that, our own natural personal freedom - and we gotta take it back. Simple as that.
Now what the heck are you talking about?
No, I am not talking about a back-to-nature bartering ideology, or anything as primitive as that.
I am talking about...
Inverse Capitalism
...where the resources for survival are open to everyone and are not hogged by the few - an environment in which every individual is as free as can be and can flourish with as much proficiency as talents do allow.
Wishful thinking?
Its a trickey one, but I will do my best to show where I think the eye of the needle is..
Inverse Capitalism vs Hierarchical Capitalism
Hierarchical Capitalism
This what we are sitting with now. We are all familiar with it. With this dispensation a few shrewd ones at the top own just about everything - from the treasury to positions of power...whatever is to their adventage to control, especially most of the resources we all depend on.
And the most powerful mechanism holding this state of afairs in place at this moment is the present monetary system, by which power of purchase is fed in to the top of the existing social structure by central banks issuing money in effect directly into the pockets of the powerful, keeping them strong and empowered to do as they wish.
The bit that is allowed to trickle down to the base of the social pyramid is simply not enough to result in a generally happy society - not to mention the effects of corruption that takes place in a system like this simply due to human nature.
Inverse Capitalism
Inverting the hierarchy - taking our naturally endowed capital back, allowing individuals not endowed with priviledge by inheritance to make the best of life, free from clumsy and brutal restrictions and enforcements applied by a delusional elite, far to few in number to efficiently bring good effect for all, should they ever wish to do so.
Now how can this be achieved without yet another bloody socialist revolution doomed to fail in the end?
We intuitively know that blockchain tech and crypto currencies built on those chains together constitute a step in the right direction. Already charitable efforts are in place, even cryptos like Manna are appropriately named for this purpose. But the the difficulty faced by with all of these efforts thus far is twofold.
The first problem is distribution - how to allot a fair amount to all who need it. This part of these projects remains subject to human judgement - someone has to decide who gets what.
The second problem is that the value of coins distributed, that is, the purchasing power of the coins donated, vary with market sentiment, complicating things further.
Brings about about mixed feelings of hope and of desperation doesn't it?
But imagine the following
Without figuring out the nuts and bolts of how it can be done for now, let's consider for a moment a scenario in which every single individual on this planet is the secure and rightful owner of a magic wallet that keeps on filling up from day to day with just enough purchasing power for buying basic daily needs.
What would we have then?
Yes, we will have an individual who does not have to work for a very modest living. This individual can now laze away every single day without having to lift a finger to earn this very modest lifestyle.
And if nobody lifts a finger to produce anything, such a scheme will die at setup.
Fortunately, human nature is not all that insipid. In fact most of us aspire to enhance our quality of life way beyond the level of merely surving from day to day - and that ambition is what will drive a system like this.
If we were to define luxuries as anything you desire to have or to consume, beyond what you need to in order to merely survive, then, in a system like this, this desire to aquire such luxuries will induce you to be productive and to trade whatever goods or services you can, in order to obtain the extra purchasing power with which to buy the luxuries of your choice.
And if you are the only productive individual amongst millions or billions that are either too young, too old, or too sick, lame, or lazy to be productive too, you would have a vast market for anything that market will most definitely crave. The demand will be enormous and you will be able to profit very well indeed.
But you won't be the only one to see this opportunity for elevating your own quality of life by being productive and selling your goods and services to this vast market in which every single individual has the ready purchasing power to buy whatever you have to offer that will satisfy their demand.
Will this constitute a healthy economy? One that is not controlled from the top and that is fired from the bottom up - an economy shaped purely by a free trade of what is in demand and what can be supplied, the quality of which will be driven by a healthy competition between producers on an even footing? - an economy that is financed not by greedy lenders, but by the magic wallets of the market?
The burning Question
Al fine and dandy, the fairytale above may sound, but does the blockchain world together with its crypto trading tokens constitute a base upon which we can make this real?
Thanks for reading - more about this as we move along...
Images : Kudos to Paint X for providing the software!
Photos, if any : Own