100th anniversary of October Revolution: let's celebrate that Communism kills

in #philosophy7 years ago

"Today is the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution, the event that created the Soviet Union. Here's a friendly reminder of what happens when Marxists take control of a government: hundreds of millions of dead. If you're flirting with the mental virus that is Marxism, read anything by Solzhenitsyn to cure yourself of its false charms."

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Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Proper way to commemorate this anniversary

The only thing worse than the communist psyop of the archons is the psyop called capitalism which, IMO, will either enslave us all or kill us all! This isn't to say that the trading of goods and services isn't necessary; it's, in fact, ​a priori, but the capitalism which came out of England (my ancestry)in the 1700's is as destructive​ as any economic system could dream of.

What you are referring to is cronyism. There are no real capitalist countries in this world. The blockchain space is the closest thing we've got to true capitalism. If you want to know about real capitalism I highly recommend https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Action by the great Austrian economist and philosopher Ludwig von Mises.

Also you can read The Law(1850) By https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fr%C3%A9d%C3%A9ric_Bastiat
If you only have about an hour to spare, please check my article: https://steemit.com/philosophy/@vimukthi/how-ayn-rand-became-the-greatest-prophet-of-our-time-how-her-philosophy-was-born-it-s-use-in-modern-times-and-criticisms-against

There is nothing you could ever say to convince me of the lunacy of Ayn Rand and I can only point you to Hitchens or Dillahunty for a correct critique of her philosophy. I've spent​ a fair amount of time on the Mises site over the years and I'm not antagonistic​ towards his ideas; but good ideas if not implemented are kind of useless, eh?

Israel might consider implementing Mises' ideas...It could be Mises' guinea pig, so to speak.
I like my G.C.C. better:)

"Israel might consider implementing Mises' ideas"
Well they are not doing a good enough job about it. Singapore, Estonia, Hong Kong(sort of) would be better examples. On terms of economics Dubai is doing a stellar Job. Too bad they are Muslims.

Question: What is Objectivism ?

Answer: "My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute."
— Ayn Rand , Appendix to Atlas Shrugged

Please let me know your argument against the above statement which summarize the philosophy of Ayn Rand. (I'm not an objectivist but a Theravada/Zen Buddhist. Rand and I have our disagreements)

A broken clock is right twice a day! Sure, she has a few foundational premises right but not much more and that's not my opinion. It's the overall consensus of thousands of philosophers...She's an extraordinarily weak philosopher. She took social Medicaid when she was sick, too.....And the Whitehouse is full of Randians who only want to make the state more powerful​ and are using the state to implement their delusions! Fucking hypocrites is not too strong a statement!

The death count in China alone can go upto 100 million according to some: https://mises.org/blog/horrors-communist-china

Also a must read article on Cuba: https://mises.org/blog/fidel-castro-hero-or-cold-blooded-murderer

This is what the young generations of USSA, Canada and EU are asking for while Asians are getting sick of commie garbage. Future is Asian (and preferably not Chinese).