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RE: What a Libertarian Society Would Look Like

in #philosophy7 years ago

Disclaimer: I belong to no political party, either. (Whew -- glad I finally got that off my chest :))

At any rate, it sounds like you might be a few decades ahead of your peers -- if not in years, then in the lessons life loves to teach us.

I would love to read your work when it's finished, by the way. Could you possibly post it here, or in a comment on a more recent post of mine, when it is? You can even use classicalliberalism101 as a tag if you want.

I hope more people will catch on to how the language is being manipulated, basically to confuse alliances (divide and conquer) -- if not just to confuse. The term liberal -- as you imply -- is an apt example of a word that no longer carries its original meaning anymore; in fact, it means just the opposite. (Don't worry, it was a confusing term even in the 80s.)

Doublethink and Doublespeak have never been more prevalent than they are today, I fear. I'm just glad to see that there are those of you who cannot or will not be brainwashed, no matter how prevalent the propaganda.

Be strong, @millenia. Someone needs to raise the standard!


Well, I graduated HS in 2002, which makes me one of the oldest millennials, really - but I became a mother in 2001 so, I had to grow-up pretty abruptly :) luckily, I also come from an awesome family of patriots.

I will definitely share my piece on one of your posts and at classicalliberalism101! Thanks, @brentssanders!

Family is so important :) Looking forward to the story!