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RE: Free Will and Moral Responsibility

in #philosophy8 years ago

Interesting article Justin, sounds like you've given this a lot of thought. I'd like to suggest a different definition of free will: it is an ability that can be practiced and improved.

You mention quantum physics and other laws dictating the world and our actions in it; a greater understanding of those laws improves our ability to practice free will. The more we understand ourselves and the world, the greater our "freedom", in the sense that we can make informed choices on how to act in relation to that world.

For example, if I properly understand the law of cause and effect, I know that when something happens, it's the effect and can be traced back to specific causes. I happen to believe that all causes originate in the mind. Your thoughts are the cause of everything you experience in life, because thoughts cause thought patterns, and thought patterns cause actions, which attract our experiences. So by practicing selecting our thoughts carefully, we practice free will. We're essentially deciding what we'd like to experience