What Are The Weirdest Dreams You Have Had? 💭 💤
Memorable Dreams From My Youth
The Jedis and Walruses
The first one, I was with my best friends standing in the middle of a parking lot. We were wearing Jedi-like clothing; we even had lightsabers. We were standing in a circle discussing the most recent song that some unknown band had recently released then suddenly we heard somebody yell "Help! They're gonna crash!" we glance over to the intersection and see two cars converging on each other and, if they kept going, they might have indeed crashed.
Seeing this, we split and ran to our large walruses. They were like eight feet tall, and we both had one. We jumped on their backs and rode our trusty steeds to the intersection to save the cars, all the while encountering obstacles and distractions from the evil Sith, which were meant to keep us from reaching the intersection in time. We overcame each obstacle and eventually made it to the intersection in a little under an hour.
Our walruses were tired from flopping such a far distance. Thus we had to dismount after we reached the curb, then we ran over to the intersection, shouted "STOP!" at both cars, and they stopped. Happy that we had saved the day, we ran back over to our walruses, mounted, and flopped away.
Icecream Van vs SUVs
The second dream, I was with a drummer from a local band which also happens to be one of my best friends, and one of the individuals I knew in high school who was a year behind me. We were within an ice cream truck just like the ones you see in cartoons. The drummer was driving the truck whereas the other guy, and I was in the back.
We were being pursued by somebody. However, I have no idea who. All I do know is, there were multiple black SUVs with heavily tinted windows chasing us. We were driving through some town, the drummer driving like an absolute maniac at unbelievably high speeds.
ues nice and lovely.Enjoy this.Thankyou for this entertaining story.
what is the meaning of your two dreams?
The weirdest ones are likely the ones I forgot upon awakening. Still among the weirdest are the "going off the edge or cliff" ones. Physically jerking back in bed during the dream is always a surprise.
I don't know, but my son is into lucid dreaming and last week i had a dream that was semi-lucid.. interesting as i hardly dream anymore, i should try more but i treasure my sleep too much ! (-:
When in doubt, jump on your walrus lol.
I loved that jedi story. Seems to be worthy of an epic dream post.
My favorite dream is kind of a crazy story in real life.
It's short and sweet though...
So to preface this story, I don't dream often at all - or I should rephrase that - I don't remember my dreams often at all. Thus, one night I had this dream that I remembered. It stuck out to me more than any dream I've ever experienced because it felt so incredibly real.
I remember walking into a room that was filled with love. That's the best way I could describe it. I loved everyone that was in that room and it was mostly people who were my good friends. In the room there was this girl who had black hair. She was facing away from me but I slowly walked up behind her and gave her a hug from behind. As I did, I felt this incredible surge of loving energy pour over my entire body. It was truly blissful and a wonderful experience. I woke up from the dream shortly after remembering all of what I had experienced. I remember thinking something like "woah, that was an incredibly powerful dream!"
Fast forward about three months and I find myself at grad school. I was walking outside on my way back to my home. As I was walking I noticed this girl who was in one of my classes. Interestingly enough, she was someone who I remember being attracted to when I first saw her from a distance. She immediately said, "hey! you are in my anatomy class, right?" From there, we ended up sitting down in the grass and talking for two whole hours.
Eventually, we waved goodbye and went our seperate ways. I was ecstatic about the interaction I just had and at that very moment it hit me...
She was the girl from my dreams!
I could go on and on with this story but in a nutshell, this girl ended up breaking my heart and opening me up in ways I could have never even imagined. She truly was a major player in my life and to this day, I feel that the dream I had was preparing me for an interaction with someone that would change the course of my very existence.
So yup, that was my mixed reality dream :)
PS: if anyone want's their dreams interpreted, y'all should check out @aprilangel's page. She does awesome interpretations and offers a lot of information about dream symbolism. Check her out!
The weirdest dream I had is in fact not a dream but a glimpse of reality. I had some experiences that I could tell for sure that had already happened, I cannot explain it but my brain just kept asking for a few minutes...wait, wasn't this already happened, didn't you know the answer or what it will be. I must say to you that this is not normal, we are not understanding our true living and the matter that surrounds us.