Nothing Is Predictable In The Universe 🌎
Uncertainty Within The Universe
As the scientist considers the basics of scientific theory, such as the origin of the universe and also the origin of life on Earth, he's left with the problem or probability.
Science relies, essentially, on predictabilities: what are the variables in a chain of events which permit one to predict a specific outcome?
The problem with theories addressing the origin of the universe and the origin of life on Earth is that no one knows the variables required to calculate the probabilities; nobody knows causality for either theory. Being the scientist takes these theories into consideration, any credibility he ascribes to them may be a matter of faith.
Any Scenario Could Have Some Truth?
That's to say; in the absence of causality, any explanation is simply based on assumptions. There's no distinction between a belief in the big bang and a belief in a creator, and, likewise, there's no difference between a belief in abiogenesis and a belief in a god breathing into the nostrils of Man.
Left with the reality of not knowing however rather believing, Man is obliged to indicate a degree of humility in speaking on the origin of the universe or the origin of life on Earth. Both religious and scientific men typically express their beliefs in a dogmatic manner.
Trust In Others And Weighing Probabilities
I have never heard anyone arguing, passionately, over the existence of Pluto, despite the fact that he has yet to see it with the naked eye; he, for the most part, trusts the scientific instruments that have made it known to him, however on those things of which people have no objective knowledge, like the origin of the world and the origin of life on Earth, people have died.
Life (corporeal life) has either existed for all eternity, or it has not. If it has, we are faced with the infinite regression problem. Thus, to my mind, there's no alternative to abiogenesis.
We are the proof. Note: this doesn't address the question of whether or not we came about through some unknown interaction of environmental conditions and chemistry, or whether God created us from the dust of the earth. In either case, it's abiogenesis.
I love your words of wisdon and probability arckrai thank you
With love,
harj : ) xoxo
Abstract artist
(My latest artwork is "Government")
The theory of humanity is one that could bring us to a table of wine or beer and make us talk all night long. The feeling that I have related to this is not because of some belief or religious one, but the life proves itself that someone orchestrates all the goods and bads within. Indeed, some extreme cases cannot be explained by man as we wonder how someone could let that happen, but there is something that we cannot touch, that there is in the air that we blindly follow and think of. Yes, there is something that we cannot explain and this is why I believe that we cannot comprehend our origin yet.

God created everyone and everything. Even scientist cannot find the origin of life sice it's a work of God and not of man. They can just be trying to gather information and name it something.
Another good read @arckrai I wonder if we will ever know.